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Global Financial Crises

Class: MEF After PGD

SUBMITTED TO PROF. DR. SHAFIQ-UR-REHMAN UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI October 10, 2011 Submitted by: Muhammad Atif Khan (EP-101124) Muhammad Anwer (EP-101135) Usama Bin Tariq (EP-101168) Najeeb Siddiqui (EP-101140)

Global Financial Crises

Introduction:The global financial crisis of 2008 was the worst of its kind since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It surfaced to notice in September 2008 with the failure of several large United States based financial firms. Its underlying causes had been reported following the subprime mortgage crisis. The failures of large financial institutions in the United States rapidly evolved into a global crisis resulting in European bank failures, declines in various stock indexes, and significant reductions in the market-value of equities and commodities worldwide. The crisis led to liquidity problems and the de-leveraging of financial institutions especially in the United States and Europe, which further accelerated the liquidity crisis. World political leaders and central bank directors coordinated their efforts to reduce fears but the crisis progressed into a currency crisis with investors transferring vast capital resources into stronger currencies leading many emergent economies to seek aid from the International Monetary Fund. International Monetary Funds and World Banks Structural Adjustment Programmes have returned to countries, including Pakistan, which were doing well before the ongoing financial crisis. Therefore, the financial crisis carries many pertinent lessons for the economies of countries like Pakistan. The paper aims at highlighting the salient aspects of the global financial crisis, its impact on developing countries and drawing lessons for Pakistan. Following a period of economic boom, the financial bubble has burst. The collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market and the reversal of the housing boom in other industrialized economies had ripple effects around the world. Other weaknesses in the global financial system have also surfaced. Some financial products and instruments have become so complex and twisted, that as things started to unravel, trust in the whole system started to fail. The problem was so severe that some of the worlds largest financial institutions collapsed. Others were bought out by their competition at low prices and in other cases, the governments of the wealthiest nations in the world had to resort to extensive bailout and rescue packages for the remaining large banks and financial institutions. Towards the end of October 2008, the Bank of England said the worlds financial firms had now lost 1.8 trillion ($2.8 trillion) as a result of the continuing credit crisis. As a result, says the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in its Trade and Development Report 2008 as summarized by the Third World Network: The global economy is teetering on the brink of recession. The downturn after four years of fast growth is due to the global fallout from the financial crisis in the United States, the bursting of the housing bubbles in the US and in other large economies, soaring commodity prices, increasingly restrictive monetary policies in a number of countries, and stock market volatility. Fallout from the collapse of the US mortgage market and the reversal of the housing boom in various important countries has turned out to be more profound and persistent than expected in 2007 and beginning of 2008. As more and more evidence is gathered and as the lag effects are showing up, we are


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seeing more and more countries around the world being affected by these rather profound and persistent negative effects from the reversal of housing booms in various countries.

Review the Literature:The financial crisis carries many pertinent lessons for the economies of countries like Pakistan. The paper aims at highlighting the salient aspects of the global financial crisis, its impact on developing countries and drawing lessons for Pakistan.
Huzaima Bukhari and Dr Ikram ul Haq, Is Capitalism at bay?, The News(Islamabad), November 9, 2008.

It is not the first time that the global financial system has suffered a crisis. The 1997 crash caused devastation in countries like Indonesia and Thailand. The bursting of the IT bubble in 2000 led to a recession in the US in 2001. The lowering of interest rates in the US to overcome the recession led to liberal lending for mortgages and building. The housing bubble finally burst in 2007 inspiring the subprime crisis. The innovative financial engineering concealed and dispersed the risk attached to bad lending practices of the lending institutions.
Arvind Gupta, Global Financial Crisis: Is There a Way Out?, Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, (November 5, 2008).

The US invests far more than it saves (its current account deficit) and the rest of the world saves far more than it invests (a current account surplus). This is the big imbalance in the global economy. It involves a massive flow of capital to the US from the rest of the world. The magnitude of this transfer is unprecedented in recent history and probably cannot be sustained indefinitely. Therefore, when it ends, it could have a destabilizing effect on the global economy, if only because of the shifting of gears.
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Global Economic Outlook 2007: Is A Crisis Imminent, or Are Things Better Than we Thought?, A Deloitte Research Study.

The international financial system has failed to deliver on two accounts, (i) preventing instability and crises and (ii) transferring resources from richer to poorer economies.
Jayati Ghosh, Global Inequity Must End, Daily Times (Islamabad), October 26, 2008.

Fallout from the collapse of the US mortgage market and the reversal of the housing boom in various important countries has turned out to be more profound and persistent than expected in 2007 and beginning of 2008. As more and more evidence is gathered and as the lag effects are showing up, we are seeing more and more countries around the world being affected by these rather profound and


persistent negative effects from the reversal of housing booms in various countries.
Kanaga Raja, Economic Outlook Gloomy, Risks to South: Say UNCTAD, Third World Network, September 4, 2008.

The IMF foresaw the global economy's growth slowing to 3.7 per cent in 2008 and 2.2 per cent in 2009, i.e., well below the 3 per cent level the fund traditionally considers the threshold for a world recession.
Tom Barkley, IMF Slashes World Growth Forecasts Again, Silicon Investor.

Opponents of the rescue plan argued that since the problems of the American economy were created by excess credit and debt, a massive infusion of credit and debt into the economy would only exacerbate the problems with the economy. They asked for better alternatives to resolve the crisis.
Emergency Economic Stabilisation Act of 2008.

Of historically unprecedented magnitude and scope, this crisis has serious implications for people, particularly for poor people in poor countries.
Sakiko Fukuda- Parr, The Human Impact of the Financial Crisis on Poor and Disempowered People and Countries, The New School, New York, October 30, 2008.

World Bank, Global Financial Crisisand Implications for Developing Countries, G-20 Finance Ministers Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 8, 2008.

The challenges faced by developing countries earlier are now compounded by the pressures emanating from the global financial crisis. For vulnerabilities in emerging and developing countries, while the effects will vary from country to country, the economic impacts could also include.


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In fact, when crisis strikes, whether it is an economic meltdown like what South Korea experienced in 1998 or a natural disaster in rich countries such as Katrina in the United States in 2005 or the Kobe earthquake in 1998 in Japan, it is the poor and the disempowered whose lives are most thrown off balance and are the slowest to recover. Not only is it occurring in a world of unprecedented financial globalization, where the financial sector plays a historically large role in economic activity, but it is also an imported crisis, with origins outside the developing world. The crisis also comes on the heels of a major global shock from high food and fuel prices. The World Bank Report on Global Financial Crisis and Implications for Developing Countries described the impact of financial crisis in following broad terms.

Dirk Willem te Velde, The Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), UK, (October 2008).

Global economic summit of G-20 comprising Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey and United States was held at Washington on November 15, 2008. The 3,600-word declaration mentioned the following actions to be taken: a. Continue vigorous efforts and take whatever further actions are necessary to stabilize the financial system. b. Recognize the importance appropriate to domestic conditions. of monetary policy support, as deemed

c. Use fiscal measures to stimulate domestic demand to rapid effect, as appropriate, while maintaining a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability. d. Help emerging and developing economies gain access to finance in current difficult financial conditions, including through liquidity facilities and programme support. We stress the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) important role in crisis response, welcome its new short-term liquidity facility, and urge the ongoing review of its instruments and facilities to ensure flexibility. e. Encourage the World Bank and other multilateral development banks to use their full capacity in support of their development agenda, and we welcome the recent introduction of new facilities by the World Bank in the areas of infrastructure and trade finance.
G-20 Declaration on Financial Crisis, CNN-Money (Online), November 15, 2008. x.htm

Ensure that the IMF, World Bank and others have sufficient resources to continue playing their role in overcoming the crisis., (accessed November 16, 2008).

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The prospects for an economic recovery, essential for alleviating poverty, are highly dependent on effective policy actions to restore confidence in the financial system and to counter falling international demand. While much of the responsibility for restoring global growth lies with policy makers in advanced economies, emerging and developing countries have a key role to play in improving the growth outlook, maintaining macroeconomic stability, and strengthening the international financial system. In World Banks view; a. The world faces the severest credit crunch and recession since the Great Depression. Developing countries growth prospects and access to external financing are subject to unusually large downside risks.


b. Though originating in advanced countries, the crisis is hitting developing countries hard. c. While transmission channels may differ, both emerging market and lowincome countries will be severely impacted. d. Economic policy responses should be adapted to country circumstances: countries with strong fundamentals may have room for monetary and fiscal stimulus, while those in weaker macroeconomic positions and with limited access to external financing will have less room for policy maneuver; some may need to undertake fiscal consolidation. e. Advanced, emerging, and developing countries should take comprehensive action to resolve liquidity and solvency problems in the banking system and strengthen prudential supervision. f. g. Development aid must be increased to help countries cope with the crisis. It is crucial to maintain an open trade and exchange system.

Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Developing Countries: Global Monitoring Report 2009, World Bank, 23.

Global Financial Crisis: Implications for South Asia.

This is mainly due to the improved health of the financial sector based on past reforms. In November 2008, to avoid a default on foreign debt payments, Pakistan developed a stabilization programme, which was supported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Pakistan Country Overview 2009: Banks Assistance to Pakistan, World Bank.


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In South Asia, the second largest economy, Pakistan, faces serious vulnerability in the region. High fiscal and current account deficits, rapid inflation, low reserves, a weak currency, and a fragile economy put Pakistan in a very difficult situation to face the global financial crisis. China and India adopted stimulation packages and have recovered sooner than other countries. These countries had sufficient foreign exchange reserves and could afford stimulation package. Pakistan could not do so due to weak foreign exchange position at the time of onset of the crisis. Pakistan was also faced with political upheaval at that time. Therefore, Pakistan was forced to cut back on its expenditure and could not afford stimulation packages like those of China and India. Efforts are now underway to arrest the decline of the macro economy through demand management including tightening of monetary and fiscal policies. Pakistan's ability to borrow externally is already heavily constrained and bond spreads are very high. The global financial crisis means that non-official foreign capital flows will be even more expensive. The contagion effects on domestic financial sector could be substantial, but stress tests suggest that the banking sector as a whole is likely to withstand the shocks.

Economic environment in Pakistan remained inhospitable for growth and investment during the first half of 2008-09, firm policy action to restore macroeconomic stability paid off dividends by December. The Rupee stabilized, after losing 19.3 per cent in value against the US Dollar.
Economic Survey 2008-2009, Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.

Pakistans vulnerability has been summarized by World Bank as under: a. Failure to raise revenues in future would further intensify Pakistans vulnerability to external shocks, and jeopardize development efforts by limiting resources available for planned investments in human and physical infrastructure. b. Pakistans high economic growth in the earlier part of this decade was in part by heavy reliance on external financing and on expansionary fiscal stance, while revenues and savings remained stagnant. c. Reliance on external financing left the economy vulnerable to external shocks, which came in 2007-08 and led to a balance of payments crisis. To reduce the economys vulnerability, expanding domestic revenue mobilization would be critical.
2009 Pakistan Economic Update, World Bank.

Friends of Pakistan (now called Friends of Democratic Pakistan) forum comprising Saudi Arabia, UAE, China, France, England, US, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Italy, UN and European Union was launched on September 26, 2008. On November 17, 2008, the Friends of Pakistan met at Abu Dhabi acknowledging that Pakistan is facing formidable challenges and needs a well-coordinated international cooperation. The forum agreed on a broad framework for cooperation with Pakistan in four major sectors including cooperation in the fields of development, security, energy and institution-building.
Dawn (Online Edition), November 18, 2008.

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Collection of Data:Which countries are at risk and what can be done? The global financial crisis is already causing a considerable slowdown in most developed countries. Governments around the word are trying to contain the crisis, but many suggest the worst is not yet over. Stock markets are down more than 40% from their recent highs. Investment banks have collapsed, rescue packages are drawn up involving more than a trillion US dollars, and interest rates have been cut around the world in what looks like a coordinated response. Leading indicators of global economic activity, such as shipping rates, are declining at alarming rates. What does the turmoil mean for developing countries? Many developing country economies are still growing strongly, but forecasts have been downgraded substantially in the space of a few months. And for how much longer can growth persist? What are the channels through which the crisis could spread to developing


countries and how are the effects being felt in developing countries? Which developing countries will be able to withstand the international macro economic challenges created by the downturn in developed economies, and which are most at risk? What is the role for development policy and what do developing country policy-makers need to know? This note discusses recent growth performance in developed and developing countries, the channels through which the global crisis affects developing countries, which countries might be most at risk, and possible policy responses. Growth in developed and developing countries; decoupling or delayed coupling? With a recession already underway in the UK, Germany, France, the USA and other developed countries, it is quite startling to hear the Malawian finance minister argue that Malawis economy is projected to grow by more than 8% this year. Yet this is todays stark reality. The USA is going through the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s, but, as the Financial Times has reported, Lagos is not Lehman. Nigeria, held back by decades of economic mismanagement, is growing at nearly 9%. Leaders in China suggest that they can help the world by offering growth rates of up to 10%, and many African countries still gain significantly from this (they are growing at 67%). Growth performances vary substantially among developed and developing countries. African growth exceeds OECD growth by margins not seen for 25 years; East Asias growth is diverging as much as it did during the last significant global economic downturn in the early 1990s (see Figure 1).


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The relationship between OECD GDP and Africas GDP has weakened as a result of the emergence of countries such as China, as well as structural changes in African economies. According to the IMF World Economic Outlook report in April 2008, a decline in world growth of one percentage point would lead to a 0.5 percentage point drop in Africas GDP, so the effects of global turmoil on Africa (via trade, FDI, aid) would be quite high. The correlation between African GDP and World GDP since 1980 is 0.5, but between 2000 and 2007, it was only 0.2. As there have been significant structural changes (and a move into services that were able to withstand competition much better) as well as the rise of China, African growth has


temporarily decoupled from OECD GDP. Several Asian countries have built up healthy government reserves, and solid export performance has helped their strong current account position. Latin American countries are currently in a much better fiscal and external position compared to the 1990s, the decade in which several financial crises struck. However, there are also several worrying signs. The combination of high food prices and high oil prices has meant that, while the current account of oil and food importers was in balance by 2003, it was in deficit by 4% in 2007. Inflation has also doubled. Many developing and especially small and African countries are, therefore, in a bad position to face yet another crisis. The terms of trade shock tend to be highest in small importing countries such as Fiji, Dominica, Swaziland. However, African countries such as Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania are projected to have faced terms of trade shocks of greater than 5% of GDP (World Bank paper for the October 2008 Commonwealth Finance Ministers meeting). And there are also signs of a slowdown in Asia, the engine of recent world growth. In the space of a couple of months, the Asian Development Bank has revised its forecast for Asian countries downwards by 1-2 percentage points. The IMF growth forecasts have been revised significantly, especially for the UK (-1.8 percentage points down from the last forecast for 2009), but also India (-1.1 percentage points down to 6.9% real GDP growth), and China and Africa (both down by -0.5 percentage points to 9.3% and 6.3% respectively). The magnitude of the crisis will depend on the response of the USA and EU. Trillion dollar rescue packages are launched around the world, but while the markets may eventually respond, the UK is already in a recession. Its magnitude will depend, in part, on how accommodative monetary policy can be, with the recent interest rate cut a sure sign the authorities are concerned more about the financial crisis than recent inflationary pressures. There is less scope for expansionary fiscal policy in fact these rescue measures have increased public debt.


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Impact of the current financial crisis on developing countries The current financial crisis affects developing countries in two possible ways. First, there could be financial contagion and spillovers for stock markets in emerging markets. The Russian stock market had to stop trading twice; the India stock market dropped by 8% in one day at the same time as stock markets in the USA and Brazil plunged. Stock markets across the world developed and developing have all dropped substantially since May 2008. We have seen share prices tumble between 12 and 19% in the USA, UK and Japan in just one week, while the MSCI emerging market index fell 23%. This includes stock markets in Brazil, South Africa, India and China. We need to better understand the nature of the financial linkages, how they occur (as they do appear to occur) and whether anything can be done to minimise contagion. Second, the economic downturn in developed countries may also have significant impact on developing countries. The channels of impact on developing countries include: Trade and trade prices. Growth in China and India has increased imports and pushed up the demand for copper, oil and other natural resources, which has led to greater exports and higher prices, including from African countries. Eventually, growth in China and India is likely to slow down, which will have knock on effects on other poorer countries. Remittances. Remittances to developing countries will decline. There will be fewer economic migrants coming to developed countries when they are in a recession, so fewer remittances and also probably lower volumes of remittances per migrant.

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Foreign direct investment (FDI) and equity investment. These will come under pressure. While 2007 was a record year for FDI to developing countries, equity finance is under pressure and corporate and project finance is already weakening. The proposed Xstrata takeover of a South African mining conglomerate was put on hold as the financing was harder due to the credit crunch. There are several other examples e.g. in India. Commercial lending. Banks under pressure in developed countries may not be able to lend as much as they have done in the past. Investors are, increasingly, factoring in the risk of some emerging market countries defaulting on their debt, following the financial collapse of Iceland. This would limit investment in such countries as Argentina, Iceland, Pakistan and Ukraine. Aid. Aid budgets are under pressure because of debt problems and weak fiscal positions, e.g. in the UK and other European countries and in the USA. While the promises of increased aid at the Gleneagles summit in 2005 were already off track just three years later, aid budgets are now likely to be under increased pressure. Other official flows. Capital adequacy ratios of development finance institutions will be under pressure. However these have been relatively high recently, so there is scope for taking on more risks. Each of these channels needs to be monitored, as changes in these variables have direct consequences for growth and development (see e.g. Te Velde, 2008, on pro-poor globalisation). Those countries that have done well by participating in the global economy may also lose out most, depending on policy responses, and this is not the time to reject globalisation but to better understand how to regulate and manage the globalisation processes for the benefit of developing countries. The impact on developing countries will vary. It will depend on the response in developed countries to the financial crisis and the slowdown, and the economic characteristics and policy responses, in developing countries. Which countries are at risk and how? The list of channels above suggest that the following types of countries are most likely to be at risk (this is a selection of indicators): Countries with significant exports to crisis affected countries such as the USA and EU countries (either directly or indirectly). Mexico is a good example; Countries exporting products whose prices are affected or products with high income elasticities. Zambia would eventually be hit by lower copper prices, and the tourism sector in Caribbean and African countries will be hit; Countries dependent on remittances. With fewer bonuses, Indian workers in the city of London, for example, will have less to remit. There will be fewer migrants coming into the UK and other developed countries, where attitudes might harden and job opportunities become more scarce; Countries heavily dependent on FDI, portfolio and DFI finance to address their current account problems (e.g. South Africa cannot afford to reduce its interest rate, and it has already missed some important FDI deals); Countries with sophisticated stock markets and banking sectors with weakly regulated markets for securities; Countries with a high current account deficit with pressures on exchange rates and inflation rates. South Africa cannot afford to reduce interest rates as it needs to attract investment to address its current account deficit. India has seen a devaluation as well as high inflation. Import values in other countries have already


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weakened the current account; Countries with high government deficits. For example, India has a weak fiscal position which means that they cannot put schemes in place; Countries dependent on aid. While the effects will vary from country to country, the economic impacts could include: Weaker export revenues; Further pressures on current accounts and balance of payment; Lower investment and growth rates; Lost employment. There could also be social effects: Lower growth translating into higher poverty; More crime, weaker health systems and even more difficulties meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Possible policy responses The current macro economic and social challenges posed by the global financial crisis require a much better understanding of appropriate policy responses: There needs to be a better understanding of what can provide financial stability, how cross-border cooperation can help to provide the public good of international financial rules and systems, and what the most appropriate rules are with respect to development; There needs to be an understanding of whether and how developing countries can minimise financial contagion; Developing countries will also need to manage the implications of the current economic slowdown after a period of strong and continued growth in developing countries, which has promoted interest in structural factors of growth, international macro economic management will now move up the policy agenda. Do countries have room to use fiscal and monetary polices? Developing countries need to understand the social outcomes and provide appropriate social protection schemes; There will also be implications for development policy: There will be limits to financial solutions if the problems lie in the real economy, but development finance institutions may be able to take some risks and support investment flows to developing countries, counteracting reductions in other financial flows. Whether DFIs can take higher risks might be informed by past experience, for example by looking at what happened during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. During this period DFI portfolios were riskier, loan losses higher and returns lower than they are at present. And yet this poorer financial performance has not had an adverse affect on institutional credit ratings. The EBRD argued in 2007 that is able to withstand the impact of a major shock with an impact equivalent to 3.5 times the magnitude of the financial crisis in 1998, without a need to call capital; o Aid volumes will come under pressure,1 but there may also be implications for the composition of aid. Should aid be provided to countries with high risks, and how should this be channelled? Are existing IMF and World Bank schemes sufficient for this, as they already need to address balance of payment problems in countries due to high food and oil prices?

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