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Learned Optimism

Based on the book by Martin Seligman

Why study optimism?

There are hundreds of studies about how pessimists give up more easily and get depressed more often Optimists do better in school, college and at work (achieve their potential) Optimists have better health and may live longer

For Example:
The story of Elizabeth Instead of defending herself, she collapsed inwardly This experience served to reinforce her negative view Pessimistic prophecies are self-fulfilling

Severe depression is 10 times more prevalent today than it was 50 years ago It strikes a full decade earlier in life We are still evolving in our understanding of the causes, and cures for, depression

Freuds theory of depression

This was the prevalent view until very recently (it is 100 years old) The rage toward the mother is turned inwards Unresolved childhood conflicts By the way, he had some crazy theories!

The biomedical theory

Depression is an illness of the body Comes from inherited biochemical defect (perhaps on chromosome #11) chemical imbalance Drugs and ECT (electro convulsive therapy) are moderately effective remedies

The problem with these theories

Drugs and ECT have side effects Not everyone has inherited their depression Mild depressions dont always respond to drugs Antidepressants arent addictive, but depression often returns when not taking them The person credits the drugs, not themselves, for their recovery

What if depression is simply a result of how we interpret lifes events?

Is achievement just a combination of talent and desire? Studies have found that if optimism is missing, achievement will not be as high Optimism is as much of a predictor of achievement as aptitude tests

What is Optimism?
It is not just a rediscovery of The Power of Positive Thinking Not affirmations It is your interpretation of failures and successes

The Optimism Test

Optimists believe that bad events are temporary, pessimists believe they will persist forever My boss is a bastard vs My boss is in a bad mood today Always and never - sometimes and lately

PmB = Permanence Bad

0-1 very optimistic 4 average 7-8 very pessimistic

PmG = Permanence Good

7-8 very optimistic 4-5 average 0-1 very pessimistic

Specific vs universal all teachers are unfair vs Michelle Joyce is unfair Do you catastrophize?

PvB = Pervasiveness Bad

0-1 very optimistic 4 average 7-8 very pessimistic

PvG = Pervasiveness Good

7-8 very optimistic 4-5 average 0-1 very pessimistic

Hope Score
PvB + PmB 0-2 very hopeful 12-16 severely hopeless People who make permanent and universal explanations for their troubles tend to collapse under pressure, both for a long time and across situations

When bad things happen, do we blame ourselves? If so, do we lose selfesteem when bad events strike? Responsibility for our actions Im stupid vs Youre stupid Depressives tend to take way more responsibility for bad events than is realistic

PsB = Personalization Bad

0-1 very high self esteem 4 average 7-8 very low self esteem

PsG = Personalization Good

7-8 very high self esteem 4-5 average 0-1 very low self esteem

Total Score
G-B Above 8 is very optimistic 3-5 is average 0 or below is very pessimistic, prone to depression

What if you are pessimistic?

May be depressed May be achieving less than your talents warrant May have weakened physical health (gets worse with age) Life may not be as pleasurable But there is good news you can change!

Benefits Pessimism
Depressed people may see reality Non-depressed people believe they have more control than they do A study of depressed and non-depressed people in a panel discussion. Nondepressed people overestimated their performance, while depressed people did not Most companies need pessimists to survive Obviously, there are situations where pessimism keeps you alive (ie - airlines) Children are not pessimistic

Evolution and Pessimism

Our emotional makeup has been shaped catastrophe (heat, cold, drought, etc) Those who survived worried incessantly about the future, even on pleasant, sunny days

Success at Work
Met Life study Used to test potential salesmen for aptitude and motivation. Put together a special force who scored low on their tests, but high in optimism The special force outsold and outstayed normal employees

Children who see bad events as permanent, pervasive and personal will over time get depressed and do badly Children suffering bad life events (divorce, family deaths, etc) will do worst Explanatory style is as much of a predictor of success as SATs or IQ tests

Berkeley swimmers study Teams can have a measurable explanatory style that can predict how well they perform under pressure

Nursing home study (patients with control did better than those who were given a helpless lifestyle) The group with control was happier and more active. They lived longer.

How to become more optimistic

Examine the ABCs (adversity, beliefs, consequences) A: Someone cuts you off while you are driving B: You think ______________ C: You get pissed off and honk your horn

Disputing your beliefs

You cant do it if you arent aware they exist See the link between your belief and how your feel Distract yourself Argue with yourself Keep a written record of your ABCs each day. Try on different beliefs in each situation and see how you feel With distance you can see your distortions
Look for alternative explanations, decatastrophize

Read the article Stress and Workaholism Write a one page reaction paper

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