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"Ani de-a randul am purtat si eu vinovatii, pareri de rau, explicatii, regrete, doruri neincheiate.

Au fost anii mei tristi, istoviti de revolte absurde. Au fos t zilele in care am strigat ca nu exista dragoste. Si doar atunci cand am intele s ca nu pot lua viata de la capat decat daca-mi primenesc sufletul, daca-mi rena sc sperantele, daca ma apar si ma vindec de tot, mi-am gasit linstea. Iar apoi, in singuratatea curata, in pacea redobandita, mi-am gasit si dragostea. Unde sa se-aseze o noua iubire intr-un suflet bantuit de stafii? Ce viata, ce dr agoste, ce speranta proaspata sa se cuibareasca de bunavoie intr-o inima arsa de deznadejdi si revolte? In scoala marii iubiri, inca se mai scrie pe o singura tabla. Stergi cu buretele , ca sa poti lua lectia de la bun inceput. Cureti. Ierti. Iar pe tabla curata sc rii o noua poveste, mai frumoasa decat toate povestile visate candva. O poveste in care eroul esti chiar tu, cel care abia azi a intalnit dragostea pentru prima data, si pentru totdeauna." Sometimes the lesson our soul is trying to learn is the value of saying NO. If we are in an unhealthy relationship with anything - whether it be with our SE LF, family, friends, the Earth, drugs, alcohol, sex, job, etc - we ALWAYS have t he power and the free will to change the direction of our energy to create what it is we truly want. Sometimes in order to truly manifest health, happiness, abundance and joy we hav e to let go of the things that no longer serve us. If we can heal those things, without releasing them, wonderful. But oftentimes, in order to heal we may need to step away so we can SEE clearly the direction that would be for our highest goo d.

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