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Caileb Newby Mr.

Neuburger ENG 102-106 4 March 2012 Response to A Film Unfinished A Film Unfinished showed many graphic aspects of life in the Jewish ghettos of Warsaw. Life seemed very different for the different classes of Jewish people of this time, but in the end their fate was the same. The main differences I noticed were that the wealthy Jews had food and extravagant clothing, while the poor were starving and only had rags. The film was intended for propaganda to be used by the Germans to somehow reason with the rest of the world why they did what they did, which in my opinion cant be excused given any reasoning. I think it is an atrocity to treat human beings with such disregard and suffering. They treated the people in these ghettos as if they were diseased. Thinking about it makes me extremely angry and I find it extremely unfair. I can sympathize with them and imagine being there myself. The Jews were completely scared of the Germans because they could be murdered by them for many reasons and often were. On another note, many of them eventually starved to death due to lack of food and in my opinion that would be an even worse way to die. Watching the Jews become desensitized to seeing dead bodies lying on the sidewalk seems crazy, but I also understood why it happened. They had to focus on living because that is the only thing they had left otherwise they would fall into deep depression which Im sure countless did. The strongest thing in the film for me was the witness testimony of the survivors, seeing the pain in their eyes and when at times they couldnt

bear to look at the screen. They literally lived a nightmare that I hope will never be forgotten in our history books. Its important for the world to never let history repeat itself. In one portion of the film there was a scene that showed a mass grave where they were dumping carcass after carcass down a slide into a trench. It was extremely graphic and I dont understand how the Germans didnt realize the insanity that was going on. I know that everyone was fearful and that they supposedly couldnt exert their opinions, but by not doing anything I feel that they are all just as guilty through association.

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