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) (Webster : .
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(Wet Ji) : Wet

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. Alastair Buchan " "

Coral Bill " A study in
Diplomatic Management, the Conventions of Crisis
. Robert North




___________________________________________________ _______

John Spanir "


" "Crisis


.. .




___________________________________________________ _______




" "

Sequence of interactions




___________________________________________________ _______


"."Decision Situation
"."Occasion of decision


: " "The time available for responding


___________________________________________________ _______

- " :"The most loaded crisis

- " :"The least crisis




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___________________________________________________ _______

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Charles Rooter .





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Crisis Management :
. " "
"" "".






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) (Little :

) (Chase :







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. :



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" Provocation of
"Crisis "



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- .(Pre Crisis Situation) :


- : ) (Crisis Situation

- : ) (Post Crisis Situation



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___________________________________________________ _______

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"."Military Resolution
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- .
: .
. :



___________________________________________________ _______


- .
Charles Osgood

Morton Deutsch

Amitai Etzioni

. .




- ":"Offensive Strategies

- . Blackmail
- ) ( .Limited Probe
- .Controlled Pressure


___________________________________________________ _______

- . Fait accompli
- ) ( .Slow attrition
( .

- :



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" ."Inadvertent War



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_______ ___________________________________________________

: : -
17- N.Augustine, Managing the crisis you tried to prevent, Harvard
business Review November December,1995 .
18- James A. Robinson, Charles F. Hermann & Margret G.Hermann,
Search Under Crisis in Political Gaming and Simulation, In
Dean G. Praitt & Richard C. Snyder (eds), Theory and research on
the causes of War, ( New Jersey, Prentic-Hall INC., Englawood
Cliff, 1989).



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