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Lauren Vicat Mr.

Neuburger English 6 March 2012 A Film Unfinished A Film Unfinished was very eye opening, to say the least. I had never really understood the things that went on during the Holocaust until we watched this film. Many people have no idea the things that happened to those individuals, or what they really went through in those camps and ghettos. This is a huge part of our history and everyone should have some sort of education on the matter. Towards the beginning of the movie I didnt think I would really get into or even understand what was going on in the world at that time. Once it got going I got sucked into it and it was hard not to watch. The way that the Germans treated the Jewish people was absolutely ridiculous. No person should have to go through that, and to have someone that survived that is, absolutely unbelievable. In 1942 the story of this film was shot. It exposed a new dimension of Nazi propaganda effort. The film was meant to show the difference between the rich and the poor Jews. At the time the film crew didnt realize the reason for shooting this but they soon came to figure out what it was for. Many may believe the film crew should be in trouble for their part in making this movie but they are not the ones that did the actual killing of the Jews. All the scenes in the film

were staged to show more natural effect. This allowed the world to see what a happy life the Jews lived, although it was the exact opposite. The Germans would beat and torture the Jews, but only after separating them from their husbands, kids, and other family. The woman went one way, the mean went the other, and the children and elders were taken a separate way. They tried firing squads to eliminate the Jews but that soon became very inefficient, they also tried mobile gas vans the only issue with that was it left evidence. They then figured out that zyclon b was the perfect idea to eliminate the Jews without anything to worry about, and so they did. The Germans would separate some of the Jews so that after killing hundreds of their people these Jews they held on to could clean up the mess. This brutal movie showed the world really what the Jews went through. After everything the Germans put the Jews through, they ultimately killed around 6 million people. That is horrible, its a good thing the film didnt get finished, no telling what else the Germans would have thought up.

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