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Jesus D. Hernandez-Rangel N.

Coleman - 11AM ARC 8040 Collage City, Rowe & Koetter - 3/1/2011

Reading the introduction of the piece I was put off slightly, it was without saying that the concept that only humans can maintain cognizance of their previous experiences, eluded the position that this piece was being directed at someone who saw themselves as above nature. Since humans are not above nature, the piece connects to traditionalism constructed as a vehicle through which one can understand (setting a stage) the argument that Utopia, defines the goals and aspiration of a citys architectural structure while in contradiction to it. Predictable disillusion, as a context in which establishments of governments of 1789 (US & French, more notably the mulitple of the later) were digesting a notion of insanity (trying the same thing over and over, believing that each time would have different effect) The despositioning of governments were replaced with new governments which promised new utopian ideas. Rowe & Koetter were not creating a paradigm, but noting that there was an opposite but similarly constructed avenue of which ideal architecture would be created (action is to reaction, both are actions). The use of falsification was ample to suffice a definition of this, but did not resolve the initial drive for society to strive for Utopia. The personal human intuition that the authors alluded to, described (third reich) reflected the insanity and disconnect from other social goals to attain the empirical goals that the government in power defined as tradition. That the science of government is philosophical and defines its own utopian values, so that rational law rest on these ideologies... i.e. Rights of Man or Bill of Rights. Though, like the Obelisk in Paris is an epitome to the positioning of France as power, the construction of a city of a museum creates its own collage form, like that of contemporary Rotterdam with an international architectural style not of its own, but of its own definition of tradition which leads to Utopia; or of which it constructs itself in a new global society.

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