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Amount of gravitational force that exerted on the body,in newton

Production of mass,and acceleration in newto F=MA

1.Compression -pressing force directed axially through the body 2.Tension -stretching force directed axially through the body 3.Shear -force that acted parallel to the surface 4.Torsion Force that producing by body around longitudinal axis

1.Quantitative -mengggunakan kaedah angka Contoh:4cm,9cm

2.Qualitative -menggunakan kaedah transkripsi tidak menggunkan kaedah angka Contoh:poor,fast,fair

Superior Inferior Anterior Posterior Lateral Medial Proximal Distal Deep Superficial

The tendency of body to maintain its state of motion

Centre of the body mass that balance the body weight.

1.graphic solution -used graph paper -length of vector presented with scale 2.Trigonometric solution 1 -use cosine laws -c2=a2+b2-2accos @ 3.Trigonometric solution 2 -group vector to y and x axis -sum up and composed 2 scalar vectors

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