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Max Dillon, Sales Manager Andrea J. Hayes February 25, 20 New-Venture Proposal

Double space


Double space

Notice the handwritten initials, which serve as the signature.

Double space

Triple space

I propose the purchase of a van to be used as a mobile bookstore. We could then use this van to generate sales in the outlying towns and villages throughout the state. We have been aware for quite some time that many small towns around the state do not have adequate bookstore facilities, but the economics of the situation are such that we could not be able to open a comprehensive branch and operate it profitably. However, we could afford to stock a van with books and operate it for a few days at a time in various small towns throughout the state. As you are probably aware, the laws of this state would permit us to acquire a statewide license fairly easily and inexpensively. With the proper advance advertising (see attached sample), we should be able to generate much interest in this endeavor. This idea has much merit because of the flexibility it offers us. For example, we could tailor the length of our stay to the size of the town and the amount of business we generate. In addition, we could customize our inventory to the needs and interests of the particular locale. The driver of the van would act as the salesperson, and we would, of course, have copies of our complete catalog so that mail orders could be take as well. Please let me have your reactions to this proposal. If you wish, I can explore the matter further and generate cost and sales estimates in time for your next managers meeting. jmc Attachment
When the typist is someone other than the writer, the typists initials appear hear in lower case.

These are the standard features of a memo. As with letters, paragraphs are single-spaced, skipping a line between each paragraph. Generally, it is typed in 11- or 12-point font, and is usually in block format (everything aligned on the left margin, with the right margin ragged). This sample is written in Direct Organizational Pattern, but could use more you attitude.

This sample comes from Contemporary Business Communication, Scot Ober, 4th Edition, Houghton Mifflin.

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