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Selection process of industrial sectors

1.Preliminary Interview: It is the initial reception of the application of the candidate. The HR department sometimes arranges a pelimimnary interview as a courtesy. 2.Emplyment test: In the second step,the candidates have give some tests such as ability,knowledge etc. through which they compose applicants capability and skill level for the required job vacancy. 3.Selection interview: A formal, in depth conversation is conducted to evaluate an applicant acceptability. Two broad questions for the interviwer: a.Can the applicant do the job? b.How does this applicant compare with orders who are applying? 4.Verfications of references: Verification of references is done in order to seek the answer of the following questions like: a.What kind of person is the applicant? b.Is the applicant a good and reliable worker? 5.Medical evaluation: Generally a health checklist provides them information about the history health and accident of the applicant.It is used to determine whether the applicant can handle physical or mental stress. 6.Supervisory interview :The ultimate responsibility for a new hired workers success fall to the workers immediate supervisor. So the supervisor often evaluates the applicants technical abilities. The supervisor decides whom to hire and whom to fire. Sometimes supervisor leaves his decision making authority to the HR department. 7.Hiring decision: This is the end of the selection process. After selecting the desired candidate HR department notifies both successful and unsuccessful applicants.They also file applications of unsuccessful applicants and retain application of successful applicants in the employees personal file.

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