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How To Take Care Of A Hamster

1. Choose the right cage. 2. Make sure the cage is huge enough for your hamster especially if you have more than one. 3. Choose a cage with combination of plastic and wire. 4. Feed your hamsters only early in the evening when they're awake. 5. Feed them with healthy food such as vegetables and fruits. 6. Do not feed them with human junk food such as chocolate or candy. 7. Get a hamster ball for your hamster. 8. Exercise your hamster by getting them a wheel. 9. Remember to provide clean and fresh water for your hamsters all the time. 10. Use a water bottle or a sipper bottle for your hamsters to drink. 11. Make sure your hamsters are living in a clean environment. 12. Do not keep your hamsters under direct sunlight or heat. 13. Act immediately if your hamster is sick. 14. Feed your hamsters with mixed food (nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables). 15. Change the bedding if it is wet or dirtied. 16. Spend time and play with your hamsters. 17. Change your bedding every 3 days. 18. Change water every day. 19. Play with them everyday or the will start biting the cage because they are restless to get out. 20. Always make sure they have enough food. 21. Buy some toys to entertain them in the cage. 22. Don't put a girl and guy in the same cage unless you want babies. 23. Get a quiet wheel since they are nocturnal. 24. Get some kind of powder to clean your hamsters (there is actually a powder you can buy at pet stores that helps clean your hamster). 25. Buy some treats for them to eat once in while. 26. Hamsters can get pretty pricey to take care of to buy all the stuff required for them so start saving up. 27. Use a stool to get to them if you cant reach them.

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