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All the reasons. All the confidence.

Optimized Cascade

hone: o1.;1.z.z1z;
The ConocoPhIIIIs`
oeruLed NG IucIIILy In
DurwIn, AusLruIIu wus Lhe
hrsL Lo use hIghIy eIhcIenL,
Iow emIssIon ueroderIvuLIve
gus LurbInes Ior comressor
hus neurIy qo yeurs oI hunds-on NG
oeruLIng exerIence.
SInce KenuI, Lhe ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed
Cuscude Process hus been IIcensed by
owners oI nIne uddILIonuI LruIns, IncIudIng
Lhose uL ALIunLIc NG, EgyLIun NG,
DurwIn NG, EquuLorIuI GuIneu NG
und Lhe mosL recenLIy IIcensed IunL,
AngoIu NG. To duLe, uII oI Lhe IunLs In
oeruLIon huve demonsLruLed suerIor
reIIubIIILy und exceIIenL conLroIIubIIILy.
Our TechnoIogy
The ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude
Process Is u robusL sysLem uLIIIzIng u
unIque Lwo-LruIns-In-one conceL LhuL
Is roven Lo deIIver Lhe hIghesL IndusLry
IunL uvuIIubIIILy und unmuLched
roducLIon und muInLenunce exIbIIILy.
n Lhe Lwo-LruIns-In-one IunL, one
LruIn oI IIqueIucLIon exchungers Is served
by Lwo uruIIeI comressors on euch
reIrIgeruLIon cIrcuIL. ThIs conceL oIIers
unmuLched Lurn-down exIbIIILy, uIIowIng
Lhe IIqueIucLIon IunL Lo eusIIy oeruLe
conLInuousIy unywhere Irom neur zero
Lo 1oo ercenL oI desIgn cuucILy. n
uddILIon, II u comressor goes down on
uny oI Lhe reIrIgerunL cIrcuILs, Lhe unIL Is
sLIII cuubIe oI roducIng beLween 6o-8o
ercenL oI desIgn roducLIon ruLes. SInce
Lhe unIL conLInues Lo oeruLe uL desIgn
LemeruLures und ressures, Lhere Is no
need Lo IsoIuLe equImenL und venL
vuIuubIe hydrocurbons. TyIcuIIy, IuII
roducLIon cun be uchIeved In Iess Lhun
one hour IoIIowIng u comressor resLurL.
Kenai LNG
Kenai, Alaska
1.5 MTPA
Atlantic LNG
Point Fortin, Trinidad
15.1 MTPA 4 Trains
Egyptian LNG
Idku, Egypt
7.2 MTPA 2 Trains
Equatorial Guinea LNG
Malabo, EG
3.7 MTPA
Darwin LNG
Darwin, Australia
3.7 MTPA
Our ExerIence, TechnoIogy und Teum
Are Reudy Lo Go Lo Work Ior You
As worIdwIde energy demund conLInues
Lo grow, ConocoPhIIIIs` roven

Process Is weII
osILIoned Lo be your gus IIqueIucLIon
LechnoIogy oI choIce.
WILh neurIy Iour decudes oI oeruLIng
exerIence und cuLLIng-edge LechnoIogy
ImrovemenLs, ConocoPhIIIIs
conLInues Lo rovIde cosL-eIIecLIve,
hIgh-vuIue nuLuruI gus IIqueIucLIon
soIuLIons. SeIecLed Ior neurIy hILy
ercenL oI recenL greenheId NG IunLs,
Lhe ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude
Process hus demonsLruLed oeruLIng
euse und exIbIIILy whIIe deIIverIng
hIgh reIIubIIILy.
Our ExerIence
When you choose Lhe ConocoPhIIIIs
OLImIzed Cuscude Process, you geL more
Lhun jusL u LechnoIogy IIcense or u Iece
oI equImenL. You geL Lhe euce oI mInd
oI coIIuboruLIng wILh un esLubIIshed,
deendubIe oeruLor oI mujor InLernuLIonuI
energy IucIIILIes und u comuny LhuL Is u
Ieuder In every usecL oI Lhe NG vuIue
chuIn, Irom exIoruLIon und roducLIon
Lo IIqueIucLIon, Lo shIIng, Lo regusIhcuLIon
und murkeLIng.

No NG LechnoIogy IIcensor hus more
oeruLIng exerIence Lhun ConocoPhIIIIs.
BegInnIng In 1q6q wILh our hrsL NG
IucIIILy uL KenuI, AIusku, ConocoPhIIIIs
ConocoPhIIIIs Is u gIobuI
Ieuder In IIquehed nuLuruI
gus (NG) InnovuLIon
sunnIng more Lhun Iour
decudes oI InILIuLIves, Irom
buIIdIng Lhe hrsL NG currIer
Ior InLernuLIonuI Lrude Lo Lhe
hrsL uIIcuLIon oI hIghIy
eIhcIenL ueroderIvuLIve gus
LurbInes In NG IIqueIucLIon.
Angola LNG
Soyo, Angola
5.2 MTPA
The Energy Advunce
deurLIng DurwIn NG wILh
u curgo desLIned Ior Juun.
sIde by sIde wILh rojecL owners Lo ensure
successIuI rojecL deveIomenL und
ImIemenLuLIon. However, our reIuLIonshI
does noL sLo Lhere. AILer IunL hundover,
ConocoPhIIIIs` engIneerIng und LechnIcuI
sLuII sLund reudy Lo rovIde ussIsLunce Ior
your duy-Lo-duy needs In LroubIeshooLIng,
shuLdown und sLurLu, deboLLIeneckIng,
und Lo unswer oeruLIonuI und LechnIcuI
AnoLher udvunLuge oI Lhe ConocoPhIIIIs
OLImIzed Cuscude Process Is
ConocoPhIIIIs` unIque GIobuI NG
CoIIuboruLIon wILh BechLeI CororuLIon.
ThIs coIIuboruLIon combInes Conoco-
PhIIIIs` NG rocess und oeruLIng
exerLIse wILh BechLeI`s IeudIng edge
know-how und erIormunce In
engIneerIng, desIgn, rocuremenL und
consLrucLIon, Lo ussure unsurussed
sLundurds Ior comeLILIve cosL und LIme-
Lo-comIeLIon. Through InsLILuLIonuIIzed
IeurnIng Irom rojecL Lo rojecL, Lhe
ConocoPhIIIIsJBechLeI CoIIuboruLIon
Insures conLInuous ImrovemenL Is deIIv-
ered Irom rojecL IunnIng Lo execuLIon.
The OLImIzed Cuscude

How Lhe Process Works
The schemuLIc beIow IIIusLruLes how Lhe
ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude
Process roduces NG. The ruw gus Is
hrsL LreuLed Lo remove Lhe LyIcuI
conLumInunLs oI COz, HzS, und wuLer
beIore beIng deIIvered Lo Lhe IIqueIucLIon
secLIon oI Lhe IunL. There, Lhe LreuLed gus
Is chIIIed, cooIed und condensed Lo -z6o
In successIveIy coIder heuL exchungers,
usIng roune, eLhyIene und meLhune us
reIrIgerunLs. The NG roducL Is Lhen
umed InLo InsuIuLed sLoruge Lunks where
IL remuIns unLII shImenL. Guses whIch
boII ouL oI Lhe NG us IL wurms sIIghLIy
In Lhe sLoruge Lunk ure cuLured und
reLurned Lo Lhe rocess Ior re-IIqueIucLIon,
Lhus mInImIzIng roducL Iosses.
Our Teum
rom IronL-end engIneerIng desIgn (EED)
Lhrough consLrucLIon, sLurL-u und
erIormunce LesLIng, u ConocoPhIIIIs
IIcensIng und engIneerIng Leum works
ProducL DeveIomenL CenLer
ConocoPhIIIIs und BechLeI conLInue Lo
enhunce Lhe Process LechnoIogy Lhrough
LheIr joInL ProducL DeveIomenL CenLer.
ocuLed In HousLon, Texus, emIoyees
Irom boLh comunIes conLInuuIIy
coIIuboruLe Lo enhunce Lhe OLImIzed
Cuscude Process, conducLIng boLh
engIneerIng evuIuuLIons und In-heId
LesLIng und uIIcuLIon. Through LhIs
coIIuboruLIon, ConocoPhIIIIs und BechLeI
huve noL onIy used rocess oLImIzuLIon
und vuIue engIneerIng Lo Imrove Lhe
ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude Process
LechnoIogy, buL huve uIso deveIoed
meLhods Lo Imrove rojecL execuLIon
rocedures whIch Iower unIL cosLs.
RIghL ChoIce, RIghL Now
WILh neurIy Iour decudes oI hunds-on
exerIence oeruLIng NG IucIIILIes,
our exerLIse Is suorLed by successIuI,
roven oeruLIons und IoneerIng
InILIuLIves LhuL conLInue Lo seL new
sLundurds Ior Iow-cosL NG roducLIon.

ThIs exerIence, combIned wILh Lhe
reIIubIIILy oI Lhe ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed
Cuscude Process und Lhe unuruIIeIed
vuIue, LIme-Lo-murkeL und cusLomer
suLIsIucLIon rovIded by Lhe
ConocoPhIIIIsJBechLeI CoIIuboruLIon,
gIves rojecL owners uII Lhe conhdence
Lhey need Lo be cerLuIn Lhey`ve mude Lhe
besL choIce In NG LechnoIogy.
EsLubIIshed In 1qq6, Lhe
ProducL DeveIomenL
CenLer (PDC) Iocuses
on boLh rocess und
engIneerIng, rocuremenL
und consLrucLIon (EPC)
The frst application oI the Optimi:ea Cascaae

Process was installed in ConocoPhillips` liqueIaction Iacility which is located on

the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Because the Iacility was located nearly 150 miles Irom the nearest major city oI Anchorage, Alaska,
it was important that the Iacility be dependable, easy to operate, and provide long, uninterrupted service. Over the past Iour decades,
the process has been proven as a reliable, fexible and cost eIfcient technology and continues in operation today at LNG Iacilities
around the world. Since ConocoPhillips began licensing the technology in the early 1990s, a total oI nine Optimized Cascade units
have been licensed. Eight oI those are in operation and the ninth, Angola LNG, is currently in the engineering, procurement and
construction (EPC) phase oI the project.
ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude

hIsLory und rojecLs
Kenai LNG - Kenai, Alaska
Startup. Capacity.
June 1969 1.5 MTPA
The 1.5 MTPA Kenai Alaska LNG plant started up in 1969 and has achieved over 38
years oI uninterrupted supply to Japanese customers. Kenai was the world`s largest plant
when built, the frst to serve the Asia-Pacifc market, and the frst to use gas fred turbines
Ior process reIrigeration. Since startup, the plant has achieved production eIfciency in
excess oI 95 percent and turbine/compressor reliability oI over 99 percent.
Atlantic LNG -- Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago
Startup. Capacity.
1 March 1999 3.3 MTPA
2 August 2002 3.3 MTPA
3 April 2003 3.3 MTPA
4 November 2005 5.2 MTPA
Atlantic Train 1 was the frst licensed Optimized Cascade unit and was completed only
36 months aIter EPC signing. Trains 1, 2 and 3 set an industry benchmark Ior the lowest
installed cost oI just under $200 per MTPA. When built in 2005, Train 4 was the largest
single train unit in the world at 5.2 MTPA.
C ZJJ7 Cerete|lillij: Cemjer. /ll rijl|: re:errei. j|imitei Ce:teie i: e reji:|erei |reiemerl el Cerete|lillij: Cemjer.
All the reasons. All the confidence.
Egyptian LNG - Idku, Egypt
Startup. Capacity.
1-May 2005 3.6 MTPA
2-September 2005 3.6 MTPA
Egyptian LNG was the third grassroots Optimized Cascade project built and consists oI
two trains. Each train was built to produce 3.6 MTPA using GE Frame 5D gas turbines.
EPC work Ior Train 2 began in November 2002 with frst LNG produced in September
2005, nine months ahead oI schedule.
Darwin LNG - Darwin, Australia
Startup. Capacity.
December 2005 3.7 MTPA
Darwin LNG is a single train Iacility with a unit capacity oI 3.7 MTPA. To address
environmental priorities oI project owners and the host country, the Darwin Iacility
was designed with several frsts including being the frst application oI highly eIfcient
aero-derivative gas turbines in LNG service. Additionally, DLNG was the frst Optimized
Cascade Process Iacility to incorporate waste heat integration to improve process eIfciency
and inlet air humidifcation to enhance production during periods oI low humidity.
Equatorial Guinea LNG - Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
Startup. Capacity.
May 2007 3.7 MTPA
This single train, 3.7 MTPA project began construction in early 2004 and the frst LNG
cargo was delivered in May 2007, six months ahead oI original schedule. EG LNG is the
only Iacility in the world utilizing a suspension bridge Ior loading LNG.
Angola LNG - Soyo, Angola
Status. Capacity.
Detailea Engineering Design 5.2 MTPA
Angola LNG is a single train unit with a capacity oI 5.2 MTPA. The Angola design
utilizes GE Frame 6 and Frame 7 compressor drivers in a unique way that delivers cost
improvements while still maintaining the operating advantages oI the two-trains-in-one
reliability. It also utilizes an integrated solution Ior NGL and LPG recovery in a
liqueIaction Iacility reducing even Iurther the capital cost.
In the 1960`s ConocoPhillips Company and Marathon Oil
contracted with Bechtel Corporation to construct the frst natural
gas liqueIaction plant based on a new and innovative process
designed by ConocoPhillips, the Optimi:ea Cascaae

process. The result was the Kenai, Alaska LNG Iacility, which
began operation in 1969, and continues operation today.
The initial intent was Ior ConocoPhillips to use the technology
exclusively on projects in which it held an equity interest. However,
in the mid 1990s Atlantic LNG approached Bechtel with the need
to build a low cost, yet reliable single train LNG Iacility. AIter
completing the competitive FEED, Bechtel won the EPC contract,
resulting in the frst licensed application oI the Optimized
Cascade process and the frst opportunity Ior ConocoPhillips to
work once again with Bechtel in natural gas liqueIaction.
As a result oI this achievement, ConocoPhillips and Bechtel
Iormed a Global LNG Collaboration in 1996 to capitalize on
ConocoPhillips` LNG technology expertise and Bechtel`s world
class design and project execution know-how oI grassroots LNG
Iacilities. The success oI the Collaboration has resulted in eight
subsequent plants being built with a ninth unit in the EPC phase -
all utilizing the Optimized Cascade process.
Product evelopment Center
Soon aIter Iorming the Collaboration, the companies established
the LNG Product Development Center (PDC) to Iocus cooperative
intellectual eIIort on continuous improvement oI the Optimized
Cascade process, plant operations, improve project execution
costs and schedule, and to jointly market the process.
The PDC is staIIed by a Iull-time program director and personnel
drawn Irom both ConocoPhillips and Bechtel. Oversight oI the
PDC is Iacilitated by an Advisory Committee comprised oI
ConocoPhillips and Bechtel senior management. The Advisory
Committee provides guidance in the selection oI the various
programs and studies undertaken by the PDC.
The PDC works on improvement studies not only Ior LNG
process technology, but on applications to enhance the total plant
Iacility, including overall design, construction and operations.
This unique, end-to-end approach or Total LiIe Cycle Focus,
enables the Conoco Phillips-Bechtel Collaboration to look
beyond the liqueIaction technology itselI and into areas having
the greatest potential to impact project costs.
Summaries oI the relevant study results are then shared with
clients to assist in their decisions surrounding their particular
process design. This allows owners to make key decisions about
plant design early in the project liIe to minimize the number,
time and cost oI perIorming Pre-FEED or FEED studies. It not
only reduces the overall project duration and total unit cost, but
also maximizes the value to the owner.
ConocoPhIIIIs J BechLeI CoIIuboruLIon
NG ProducL DeveIomenL CenLer
C ZJJ7 Cerete|lillij: Cemjer. /ll rijl|: re:errei. j|imitei Ce:teie i: e reji:|erei |reiemerl el Cerete|lillij: Cemjer.
All the reasons. All the confidence.
Colluborution Achievements
Plant capacity ranging Irom 3 to 8 MTPA
First use oI gas turbines and aeroderivative gas turbines
in LNG service
Heavies Removal Unit integrated within liqueIaction plant
Flashing liquid expanders Ior increased production
Waste heat recovery to reduce capital and operating expenses
New reIrigeration driver confgurations
Electric drive and power supply options
Customer Benets
New innovations and best practices are quickly
incorporated into new designs
Lower capital cost
Shorter cycle time resulting in Iaster time-to-market.
Train size adaptable to client requirements.
Improved on-stream reliability.
Through ConocoPhIIIIsJBechLeI CoIIuboruLIon



NG PDC ConceL EED DeLuII DesIgn ConsLrucLIon O&M
Project Phuses
OId PurudIgm
Leveraging prior PDC learning equals time ana cost savings.
With almost one hundred studies completed since it inception, the PDC continues to explore Ior ways to optimize plant design and
construction. Some oI the achievements and customer benefts oI the Collaboration and PDC include:
The Lwo-LruIns-In-one conceL wus deveIoed In Lhe
1q6os Ior Lhe IucIIILy In KenuI, AIusku, due Lo Lhe IunL`s
remoLe IocuLIon und Lhe need Ior hIgh on-sLreum uvuIIubIIILy,
suerIor exIbIIILy, und exceLIonuI robusLness. The conceL
Is sImIe und sLruIghLIorwurd. PIunLs ure conhgured so
equImenL wILh hIgher muInLenunce needs such us gus
LurbInes und comressors ure duIIcuLed, whIIe more
reIIubIe comonenLs IIke uIr hn cooIers und bruzed
uIumInum heuL exchungers ure noL duIIcuLed.
The desIgn hus been roven In uImosL Iour decudes oI
oeruLIon uL KenuI wILh un overuII IunL roducLIon
eIhcIency exceedIng q ercenL und gus LurbIne secLIon
reIIubIIILy In excess oI qq ercenL. BuIIdIng on LhIs success,

Process IunLs huve

IncororuLed Lhe Lwo-LruIns-In-one conceL.
Two-truins-in-one Advuntuges
AdvunLuges oI Lhe Lwo-LruIns-In-one desIgn IncIude:
High Production IIciency-U Lo 6o ercenL oI desIgn
cuucILy ossIbIe even wILh one-huII oI comressor
ower oII-IIne.
Wide Runge oI Cupucity Ileibility-AbIe Lo oeruLe
Irom neur zero Lo 1oo ercenL oI desIgn wILh susLuInubIe
roducLIon us Iow us 1o ercenL Ior exLended erIods oI LIme.
Muintenunce Ileibility-OorLunIsLIc muInLenunce
cun be erIormed durIng erIods oI Iow roducLIon Lo
exLend Lhe InLervuI beLween Lurnurounds. n some cuses,
mujor overhuuI oI un udjucenL gus LurbIneJcomressor hus
been uccomIIshed whIIe Lhe IunL conLInues In oeruLIon.
Optimize Plunt IIciency-PIunL und equImenL
eIhcIencIes cun be muxImIzed by udjusLIng Lhe number
und mIx oI gus LurbInesJcomressors onIIne durIng
erIods oI Iower Lhun normuI roducLIon ruLes.
Continuous Improvement
Over LIme und In subsequenL IucIIILy InsLuIIuLIons uround
Lhe worId, Lhe ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude Process
hus undergone conLInued ImrovemenL, buL uIwuys hoIdIng
consLunL Lo Lhe reIIubIIILy und exIbIIILy udvunLuges oI Lhe
Lwo-LruIns-In-one desIgn. Some oI Lhese ImrovemenLs
oud buIuncIng oI reIrIgeruLIon cIrcuILs Lo oLImIze
uvuIIubIe horseower
DeveIomenL oI Lhe oen meLhune reIrIgeruLIon Ioo
Lo muxImIze LhermuI eIhcIency
CoId box conhguruLIon oLImIzed Lo Imrove Lhe
rocess und reduce Lhe IoL ureu
nLegruLed PG und condensuLe recovery wILhIn Lhe
IIqueIucLIon unIL Lo reduce LoLuI unIL cosL
IrsL uIIcuLIon oI hIghIy eIhcIenL ueroderIvuLIve
gus LurbInes In NG IqueIucLIon
WusLe heuL recovery InLegruLIon
Customer Advuntuges
The core desIgn eIemenL und udvunLuge oI Lhe
ConocoPhIIIIs OLImIzed Cuscude Process Is Lhe
Lwo-LruIns-In-one conhguruLIon. ThIs desIgn rovIdes:
GreuLer exIbIIILy und oLenLIuI cuILuI cosL suvIngs
Lhrough comeLILIve equImenL bIddIng
Euse oI sLurL-u, shuLdown und oeruLIon
UnmuLched oeruLIng uvuIIubIIILy, wILh u Lo 8o ercenL
cuucILy muInLuIned durIng rouLIne muInLenunce
uII runge roducLIon exIbIIILy Irom neur zero Lo 1oo
ercenL oI desIgn roducLIon
HIgh LhermuI eIhcIency
Why Lwo-LruIns-In-one ure beLLer Lhun one
C ZJJ7 Cerete|lillij: Cemjer. /ll rijl|: re:errei. j|imitei Ce:teie i: e reji:|erei |reiemerl el Cerete|lillij: Cemjer.
All the reasons. All the confidence.
The Invironment: A Growing Considerution
Employed in LNG Iacilities around the world Ior over Iour decades,
the ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade Process continues to
set new standards in the design and operation oI eIfcient and
cost-eIIective LNG Iacilities. Historically, the primary Iocus Ior
planning and designing oI LNG Iacilities was liIe-cycle cost and
proftability. However, today there is a growing recognition oI
another key consideration Ior a major liqueIaction Iacility its
impact on the environment.
Increasingly, new Iacility planning and design are being impacted
by global environmental concerns. Operating companies also
want to be responsible stewards oI their environment. They are
seeking process solutions to maximize plant eIfciency and
Iacility economics, while at the same time minimizing pollutants
and their impact on the environment.
The Optimized Cuscude Process & Its Iuvoruble
Invironmentul Impuct
The ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade Process has strong
environmental advantages in its design and operation. The
'Two-Trains-In-One design concept has several inherent
Ieatures that deliver higher eIfciency, resulting in lower
emissions through the use oI:
Advanced aeroderivative gas turbines
Integrated waste heat recovery
Gas and fashing liquid expanders
Inlet air cooling oI gas turbines
Integrated NGL Iractionation
Minimized plot space requirements through equipment
Reduced faring during startup, shutdown and operations
The ConocoPhillips process design is continuously being
improved with the goal oI increasing thermal eIfciency, reducing
emissions, and reducing liIe-cycle cost.
Decreuse envIronmenLuI ImucL whIIe
IncreusIng rohLubIIILy
C ZJJ7 Cerete|lillij: Cemjer. /ll rijl|: re:errei. j|imitei Ce:teie i: e reji:|erei |reiemerl el Cerete|lillij: Cemjer. /ereierire|ire jle|e tetr|e: el | il & e:.
All the reasons. All the confidence.
ConocoPhillips Lse oI Aeroderivutives
Thermal eIfciency is a key driver oI any LNG Iacility and
even minor design changes can have a signifcant infuence on
eIfciency and emissions. ConocoPhillips has demonstrated
advances in thermal eIfciency through the use oI highly
eIfcient aeroderivative gas turbines in its process confgurations.
For this reason, the Optimized Cascade Process is the preIerred
technology choice oI many LNG projects worldwide. Several
advantages include:
LNG Plant Capacity Options: By utilizing multiple
aeroderivative gas turbines within the liqueIaction process,
the Iacility size can be tailored to meet the available gas
supply or production requirements.
Gas Supply Constraints: In situations where gas supplies
are constrained, either by availability or economically
due to high gas supply cost, the use oI higher eIfciency
aeroderivative turbines results in more LNG Ior a given
quantity oI Ieed gas.
Operational Flexibility:The variable speed (multiple-
shaIt) aeroderivative gas turbine maximizes operational
fexibility and allows Iast start-up under Iull compressor
settle out conditions without large starter motors.
Environmental Considerations: With higher eIfciency
and less Iuel consumed, greenhouse gas is reduced,
resulting in a smaller carbon Iootprint.
riving Protubility und Protecting the Invironment
ConocoPhillips is committed to protecting the environment. In all the company`s operations, the highest environmental standards are
met to ensure that the company`s eIIorts today, not only provide energy, but also insure a stable environment Ior tomorrow.
The ConocoPhillips Optimized Cascade Process provides a Iully integrated liqueIaction design with high thermal eIfciency,
operational fexibility and lower emissions.

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