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Guidelines in Filing an Effective Employment Discrimination Complaint

The fear of adverse results is often what forces discriminated employees to keep quiet regardless of prejudiced conducts of someone within the company, especially their employers. The United States government has long been trying to solve recurring employment discrimination cases, but the problem still persists. Unfair treatment, provocations, and termination are the three major fears of employees in case they disclose wrongful acts of their employers. They, however, need to employers. understand that they should not be afraid because they are entitled to reveal what they believe are discriminatory acts against them. Also, employees are protected by several employment laws. Meanwhile, the following are the fundamental guidelines to making a successful fundamental employment discrimination claim claim: 1. Make sure that the employer knows your claim as soon as you make one. Your employer will not be able to do necessary corrective actions unless he or she knows about a workers disc discrimination claim. 2. The employee should know and understand the employers policies and procedures for the employee to know what to do in case of discrimination or harassment. Also, in all cases, the employee will have better chances of getting , positive results on his or her claim because proper procedure has been followed followed. 3. The employee should be careful in keeping records of claims as well as the steps taken to resolve the problems. These records must include the names of the person/s involved, as well as the names of the possible witnesses, the place

where the alleged illegal conduct happened, and the date and time it occurred. The employee, or perhaps a job applicant, must also keep a record of his or her actions made to resolve the problems, as well as the details of conversations as with company spokespersons or representatives. 4. The evidence is very significant at all times. If the employee happened to get probable evidence of the alleged harassment or discrimination, it is important to keep it secured. It is going to be of great help in validating and settling the claims. 5. If the employee feels that the aforementioned main and immediate actions appear to be inadequate it would be better for him or her to ask for help from the inadequate, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The agency will then take charge in investigating the claim, or may ask other state agencies to probe on its behalf. In fact, an employee can seek help from the EEOC without t help of an the attorney.

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