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First Phase of Communism: First, the government takes control of all private production.

ion. This system takes away the boss, so all men are on the same level. This system cant create equality because each man receives as much as he produces. Therefore, a strong man who makes more, gets more even though he is physically healthy and may not need it. A weak man makes less, so he receives less but he needs more, causing the system to be unfair. The first phase cant produce justice and equality but I can prevent exploitation of man because everyone is a worker, and the government is the boss. This phase is called socialism.

Higher Phase of Communism: In the higher phase, the state is completely eliminated. This is the phase of ultimate freedom for all people o While the state exists there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state. In the higher stage: o Everyone sees everyone as equal All work is equal mental labor is equal to physical labor o Work is the most important thing in life. Work is the sole purpose of living. People voluntarily work as hard as they can From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs! Marx o Each person takes freely according to their needs and the needs of their family. Puts trust in people to work their hardest and take only what they need Lenin said that in this form of government it would be made possible to have tremendous increase in productive forces, and that capitalism holds back these productive forces.

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