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Interactive Survey

A structured sharing activity

Participants form teams to find answers to their question from the other teams, then capture what they learned in a 1-minute commercial with a slogan and picture. Audience 6 - 60 Materials needed Pen and paper for each participant 4 pieces of flip chart paper and colored markers Timer Setup Come up with four questions related to your topic and write them on a chalkboard or poster so everyone can see them. Examples on the topic of Sabbath Day observance, - How would you explain the Sabbath Day to someone unfamiliar with it? - What are some of your favorite Sabbath Day activities? - What are some of the challenges you face on the Sabbath Day? - What do you want to get out of todays lesson? Instructions Divide the young women into four groups and assign each group one of the questions. Each group has 3 minutes to plan how they will get everyone on the room to answer their groups question. They then have 3 minutes to gather those answers. With those answers, they have 3 minutes to plan how to present in 1 minute what theyve learned to the rest of the class, usually by capturing it in a picture, phrase, or graph on a flip chart page. Invite each group to give their 1-minute presentations. Debrief Whats your reaction to this activity? What did I have you do? What was your strategy? How did you decide upon it as a group? What did this activity teach you about [whatever the lesson topic is]? How do the answers you heard others give relate to some of your own experiences? What if I had told you all of these answers, instead of having them come from the group? What ideas are coming to mind for you on how you can act on [whatever the lesson topic is]?

adapted from Frame Games by Dr. Sivasailam Thiagi Thiagarajan

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