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Major parts that need to be included?

Thesis Statement Background Layout Historiography (Review of Sources) Transition to body (Punchline sentence/mini paragraph)

Thesis Statement

How do we structure a strong thesis statement?

Direct Based off of evidence (not assumptions!)


Why is this important?

Shows that you understand the history of the

arguments Fits it into the greater historical debate

Structure: Chronological, Thematic FLOW The logical step from sentence to sentence Stress position Transitions from paragraph to paragraph (the string) Analysis Analyse, dont copy other arguments Consistency Continually refer back to your argument Always ask yourself after each paragraph How does this assist in telling the story How does it assist the argument? Remember, even if its interesting, but is off topic, it needs to be cut from your essay

Why write a conclusion? What do we place in the conclusion? Remember, the conclusion is the final piece that the reader will see.

Question: How far was the threat of nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis an exaggeration? Introduction: (2 paragraphs) - Background: US-Soviet Relations - Layout: (Nuclear Age, Cold War, Cuba, The Crisis (3 paragraphs), Analysis (2-3 paragraphs), Conclusion) - Historiography: - Thesis Statement: I believe that the threat of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis was an exaggeration - Transition: To contextualize this occurrence, I will examine the nuclear age.


Set the scene in more detail, background knowledge Show how Cuba is implicated in the nuclear age, the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis Examine the crisis in more depth Analyse: Public Fear, Media, sensationalziation, Political savvy to heighten this belief

Conclusion: - Restating thesis: Although the threat of nuclear war was

heightened, it was not a spike in international insecurity\ - Quote by a historian - How it effected future policy: 2 sentences

Citations and Bibliography Essentials:

Staple Question on the top of paper Name on paper Black ink

I will hand back your essays following the lesson

Any questions on marking can be directed to me

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