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after I graduated from akatel, I plan to find a job in my field of work can be d one in the telecom, I want to apply

what I have gained during my study in akatel . I want a position in the later work was as a manager at a telecommunications c ompany. during my work I want to do the best I can do to make my parents proud o f me. after that I plan to be married to someone who can guide me and has been w ell established in life

If I graduated from akatel, I plan to begin to think about what I would do first after my graduation. because I do not have a description for what I want to do after I graduate. maybe I'll find work in the field of telecommunications, or ma ybe I will continue my education to graduate. I want to spend my life to do ever ything I want. to my knowledge, I have to go through every challenge in my life if I wanted to stand on top of the world. I want to spend my life to do what I w ant. be useful for others and the pride of my family

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