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BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster, community and public health nursing 6th ed.

United states of America mosby 200 72-85 2. Judith ann allender, Barbara Walton spradley, community health nursing. 6th new york. Lippincott Williams and wilkins 200 108-142 3. Park j.e, park.k. text book of preventive and social medicine. 19th ed. Jebalpur. Bhansari bhanot publishers 2007 pg no 732-745 4. Gupta MC, mahajan BK, text book of preventive and social medicine 3rd ed. New delhi, jaypee brothers publications. 2005 450-460 5. Kasturi sundar rao an introduction to community health nursing 4th ed. Chenni. BI publications 2005 pg no 363-379 6. Review in community medicin 2nd ed. 214-217

Edited by Denise M. oleske

y Basavvanthappa b.t test book of nursing education jeepee publications first edition. y Eshita chanda text book of introduction on nursing y B.shankar narayana text book of learning and teaching nursing brain fill publications third edition. y Gn rabhakaran trends issues and management in nursing, peepee publications first edition.

WEB REFERENCE y /important commission and committees in India y y JOURNAL ABSRACT y Academic education journal page no 27-32 published in the year 2009 y The nursing journal of india November 2011 vol cl no 11 age no 18-21 y Higher education journal page n 12-15 y International journal for education and vocational guidance project muec publishers page not 32-38 y

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