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Abby Eubanks Mr.

Neuburger ENG 102-102 5 March 2012 An Unfinished Film The movie An Unfinished Film is about the Holocaust that started in 1942 when Adolf Hitler came into power. This film was a huge eye opener for me because it allowed me to understand some of the things that went on. I cannot believe some of the stuff that went on during the Holocaust. When Hitler was a struggling artist and a Corporal in the Social Party, he had many ideas about how to take over Germany. Hitler passed the Neurenburg Laws when he became dictator. The Jews were put into places called the Ghettos (Displaced Person Camps) so they would not be associated with anyone else. This was the main focus of the film. Specifically, the Warsaw Ghetto, which was the most horrid of the Ghettos. The awful things in this film were beyond imagination. To see the Jews being starved like that to the point of being nothing other than skin and bones breaks my heart. I really do not like how the Nazis made the video showing how the Jewish life was luxurious. Most people know that the Jews did not live in luxury while in the Ghettos. The fact that Jews and Nazis would walk by corpses on the sides of the street is absolutely horrible. When the Nazis finally got around to cleaning up the corpses, they would simply gather all the bodies and make one mass grave. This was another fallacy in the film. In the film it was made to appear that the Jews were allowed to bury their dead in a traditional way, when in fact they really werent. When the bodies were sent down a shoot into the graves, two Jewish people had to

stand down at the bottom of the chute and lay them to where the bodies into position. It would be terrible if while you were positioning the bodies you happened to see a loved one of yours come down the chute. I think the worst part for me from the whole video was when the people were watching it and practically reliving that entire experience. It touched me when they would have to turn their heads because to watch it again made them cry. Reliving the situation would be the worst thing imaginable. Trying to find your loved ones in the midst of all those bodies like the woman watching the footage had to do would be horrible. I cant imagine living through a tragedy like that. The thought of surviving something like that while you slowly lose family members to various tragedies is unfathomable. The fact that the woman in the film was able to push through all of that devastation and still be able to be strong enough to watch the footage is nothing short of amazing.

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