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---------- Forwarded message ---------From: ashley gurley <ashleygurley1@gmail.

com> Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:02 PM Subject: Please Help! To:

Dear Governor Brewer, My name is Ashley Gurley and I am writing you today as a plea to help save Hope 4 Teens and Bobby and Ceci Torres. 7 years ago I was lost and purposeless, searching for a reason to be. I came to this ministry and through the guidance of Bobby & Ceci, discovered God and my purpose in life. As I volunteered for the ministry and learned how to grow in my own character, I was guided by the example that was set for me in the leaders and the character and skill I learned have proved valuable to me in my current career and I have become an asset in the workplace. Through volunteering, I have seen countless lives have the same experience, going from a troubled existence, hooked on drugs, depressed to the point of hopelessness and suicide and caught up in all kinds of trouble and their lives have been turned around. Many are successful members of society with good jobs and families.

Thank you so much for your time and help. Ashley Gurley

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