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From: Jessica Stoltzfus <> Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:52 PM Subject: To: legal@spiritlifechurch.


Dear Governor Brewer, I am a housewife, and I attend Spirit Life Church, and in the month and a half that I have been attending Bobby and Ceci have not only poured into me in welcome, but have also been very helpful and supportive in understanding my role as a wife, in a new marriage. Also, I see the teens that they help, and the way that God affects the lives of some of the most "unlikely to succeed", and makery them into responsible successful men and women of God, which would never be possible if Bobby and Ceci Torres would not have the powerful life-changing ministy that God has allowed them to have. My husband was one of the teens helped by Bobby Torres, and I see the amazing change that this very vital program has made in him and it is all thanks to God and His grace. I believe that many lives are still waiting to be changed by this program and the church, but if it its shut down and not allowed to opperate God only knows what would happen to the lives that were meant to be helped by this program. Please do not allow this amazing life-changing ministry to be shut down. Bobby and Ceci Torres have done nothing wrong, unless saving the lives of teens and changing lives throught the power of Christ is a crime, which I don't believe it is. You cannot allow this to happen, or else the lives that were meant to be saved and/or changed will be not only one the people who did this but also on all those that allowed it to happen. Help Save Lives. In Christ, Jessica Stoltzfus

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