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Reaction Paper In BSEPS 11

Jazzlyn Sagun Abad BSEd 3A1-1 Dr. Arlo Mortos



Brief Introduction about the topic

The drama was about the mythological character Hercules himself and the labors he had done. In the story, he killed his wife because of love. His conscience never let him go. The ghost of his wife continued to haunt him until he realized what the real definition of love was. The Gods and Goddesses helped him to realize that his picture of love was not the true meaning of it. The Gods gave him 12 labors that he had to surpass in order to find the real meaning of love and will somehow give him lessons to help him realize that his meaning of love was wrong.


Issues depicted by the drama Misconception of Love

There are lot definitions of love. They say that Love is blind, love is pure, and love is painful. My definition of love is that love is an emotional feeling side by side with the intellect. The truth is love cannot be defined. It should be given and be felt. Many of us really dont understand what love really is. Loving comes a responsibility. When we love, we should not just focus on our feelings but also, to the feelings of the people around us. We should consider a lot of factors when loving. We might experience pain and do things that are not right anymore and think were just doing it because of love. Its not just like, you love, you do everything you want, you follow what you feel and youre right. Its not like that. Loving is not always right. You still have to consider the norms in life. We still should know what is right and what is wrong. We must know when to continue to

fight and when to stop. If we know that the love we are experiencing will bring a lot of destructions, then we should stop already. Let go and move on. Pain is in the mind. If we deal with it the right way, then we can move on. That is love.


The relevance and theme in the current situation

All of the people in the world do experience different kinds of love. Not all of us know what real love is and how it should really be done, given or felt. The play showed how love can really be defined. The drama will help the viewers be enlightened with their philosophies and meaning of love. Love is selfless. Love is pure. Love is not just about us. Love is unconditional. Love lets go.

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