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French For Beginners Podcast Lesson 1

The aim of this podcast is to introduce beginners to the French language in an informal and friendly way. Initially we will cover some basic words and phrases and then move on to different themes that we feel appropriate for adult beginners. If there is something that you particularly wish to learn, we would be happy to hear from you.

Vocabulary taught in Lesson 1

Bonjour (Hello) Salut (Hi / Bye) Au revoir (Goodbye) Comment-tu tappelles ? (What is your name?) Je mappelle (My name is)

Je mappelle Alexa (My name is Alexa)

O habites-tu? (Where do you live?) Jhabite en (I live in)

Jhabite en Angleterre / Italie / Espagne / France Jhabite au Portugal Jhabite aux Etats Unis

Comment a va? (How are you?)

a va! (Im ok) a va bien! (Im ok) a va mal (Im not ok)

Aujourdhui cest Lundi (It is Monday today) Quel temps fait-il? (What is the weather like?)

Il fait beau (It is sunny) Il pleut (It is raining)

A French Ecole Podcast

2006 The French Ecole Ltd. All rights reserved. Tel: 020 8856 5131, Fax: 0870 164 0385 web:

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