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The Human Resources department, Dear Ms./Dear Mr.

, For: Personal guide I am deeply interested in the job you posted an ad for on MyJob. At present time, I am a 3rd year student at the Cambrige University and because of my real interest in this field,personal guide, I think I am a suitable candidate for an internship in your company. Throughout my education, I participated in several classes projects on this subject which allowed me to achieve theoretical knowledge in this area, as you can see in the resume I have attached. I also had several part-time jobs in the tourist guide field and, therefore, I had the opportunity to improve teamwork and communication skills. I also consider my ability to work on deadlines and taking on responsibilities as great career achievements. That is why I should be glad to work as an intern in your team, not to mention your companys credit in the attraction field. Moreover, this internship allows me to learn more about this area, the market and performances in this field and this constitutes an important motivation point to me. Hoping to have awaken your interest, I am looking forward for an interview, at whatever time is suitable for you. For any additional information, please, contact me at 0786493983 or by email Thank you for your time, Yours, Halexandra))):X:X:X:X::*:*:*

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