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Turn Off Nagging Balloon Tips Hate those little pop ups above your system tray, in the lower right-hand corner of your screen? Turn them off! Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Expl orer > Advanced Go to the right-hand side of the pane and right-click in the white space Select New > DWORD Value Name the value EnableBalloonTips Double-click EnableBalloonTips and set the value to 0 Restart Windows and those nagging balloon tips should no longer appear You can turn them back on by deleting the value

2. Stop Windows Auto-Reboot It's annoying when Windows tries to sneak a reboot in while you're in the middle of doing something. Unless you catch the screen that asks you if you want to re boot now or reboot later, all of a sudden your computer shuts down, no matter wh at you're doing! How to stop this: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows > WindowsUp date* > AU Go to the right-hand side of the pane and right-click in the white space Select New > DWORD Value Name the value NoAutoRebootWithloggedOnUsers Double-click NoAutoRebootWithloggedOnUsers and set the value to 1 *If WindowsUpdate doesn't exist, create it by right-clicking in the white space on the right-hand side of the pane, select New Key and name the key WindowsUpdat e.

3. Stop Aero Snap in Windows 7 Windows 7 users may have noticed that sometimes, when you're trying to move an o pen window, Aero Snap will decide that instead of moving that windows, what you really want to do is maximize the window to the full size of your screen. How to turn it off: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_ USER > Control Panel > Desktop Go to WindowArrangementActive Double-click WindowArrangementActive and change the value to 0

4. Stop CD AutoRun Didn't want that CD to start playing automatically? How to disable the CD AutoRu n: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > cdrom Go to AutoRun Double-click AutoRun and change the value to 0

5. How to Show My Documents Folder on Your Desktop in Windows XP If you're still using XP, you may notice that Windows XP doesn't automatically s how the My Documents folder on your desktop. How to show My Documents: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Expl orer > CLSID > {450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103} > ShellFolder Go to Attributes Double-Click Attributes and change value to 0xf0400174 To hide My Documents, change value to 0xf0500174

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