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Cracked by BOX! (3.0) This program is for the Kaspersky 2011 (Internet Security and Kaspersky Anti-Vir us).

It resets the trial period so you have more time to evaluate the product. I t was tested on WinXP (x86) & Win7 (x86/x64). It may not work with the latest pa tches/updates.

Instructions: 1. If installed, uninstall Kaspersky and restart the computer. 2. Run the KTR, click [PURGE], and exit. 3. Install Kaspersky but DO NOT activate. 4. Run the KTR, click [EXTRACT], and exit. 5. Activate Kaspersky, update, and scan your computer. 6. When you want to reset Kaspersky, just right click on the try icon and exit K aspersky. 7. Run the KTR and click [RESET]. (There is no need to repeat Step 1 - 5.) 8. Activate Kaspersky, update, and scan your computer. 9. Removal: Just delete the TR. There is nothing to uninstall.

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