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1. How do you evaluate students?

(Evaluation/Assessment criteria)

2. If there are students who cannot comprehend lectures (may be due to language problems etc.), how do you assess such students performance? How would you help such students?

3. How will be the instruction methodology? Do you consider using whiteboard or OHPs etc.?

4. How do you determine & maintain the lecture level, speed of the class, quality of materials to be delivered on class etc.?

5. How would you act on situations where students performance in tests etc. is good, however has poor attendance?

6. How comfortable are you with Engineering Mathematics?

Some other HR related questions?

1. Why would you like to take this position? (Basic Motivation )

2. Why have you selected Japan as your destination?

3. If you get position in some other institute, what would you do?

4. What are the things you would consider before applying to a particular institute?

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