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Geothermal Energy Overview

Well before going into the details of geothermal energy, its very important to know the working of this type of energy. So lets discuss various aspect of Earths heat energy including how a man can get benefit out of it? Literally, its the heat energy which is stored in subsurface of Earth as its name indicates Geo stands for Earth and Thermal stands for Heat. When we talk about the mechanism of its formation, it is derived from the decay of radioactive material in the subsurface of Earth. On certain locations within the Earths surface, there is an abnormal concentration of the radioactive material. Some times this radioactive material is located near the surface waters.

Geothermal energy recharging cycle

In past, people had no idea about geothermal energy and they used to speculate about this heat coming from inside of Earth. But at present, people have a good awareness about this energy and their thought is very different for this energy. Now its considered to be potentially a very vital form of energy which is renewable. It is considered to be renewable energy source because warm water which transfers the heat energy is recharged by the rain water and the cycle repeats again with the radioactive decay and heat is produced again.

Multipurpose geothermal energy

The excellent aspect of the Earths heat energy is that it is multipurpose and most dependable energy form. It has the capability to produce the electricity and no green house gases are associated with the fossil fuels combustion. So, its a very powerful form of energy which is produced by the accumulation of heat energy within the surface of Earth. The hot water and steam is usually pulled upon the surface by deep wells from the subsurface of Earth.

Origin of geothermal energy

Its very important to know that from where this geothermal energy originates. Magma the molten rock material in the core of the Earth acts as a source of heat. The source of heat in the core is the decay of radioactive material like potassium and uranium. This heat energy is distributed throughout the surface of Earth. The distribution of this energy is not even. It is bit more concentrated in geologically active areas especially in the areas where active and young

volcanoes are located.

You can finish reading this article on our website about Free Energy.

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