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The Congo Crisis

Abram Walker Senior Division Individual Web Site

Process Paper
Why I chose this topic: Since I have started my study of world history, the history Africa has interested me greatly. The Congo was one of the later colonies in Africa to gain its independence. Congolese rebels spoke about freedom and democracy. They promised equality for all, but in the end did not keep their promises. The Congo Crisis is a classic example of Africans clamoring for their freedom, trusting unscrupulous leaders to give them freedom, and freedom being denied once independence was attained.

How I conducted my research: First, I went to my school library and found two books on the history of West and Central Africa and the people of the Congo. Then I went to my public library and found a book with diary entries from Che Guevara. I also found a copy of National Geographic from 1962 that details the immediate aftermath of the Congo Revolution.

How I created and developed my web site: To create my web site I registered at Since registration, I have added pictures, videos, and maps to my web site. I have also put an interactive quiz on my web site. I have also

added flashcards making it easy and fun to learn about the important figures from the Congo Crisis.

How my project relates to the theme: My project is all about revolution and its consequences. In the Congo, the people wanted their independence and freedom from Belgium. They placed their confidence in men that ended up betraying them, making their lives even worse after the revolution than before. That was the steep price of freedom and they paid it. (285 words)

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