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Blood consists of : 1. Plasma 2. Red blood cells 3. White blood cells 4. Platelets ( blood clotting cells)
Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

Is the liquid part of the blood Functions of plasma are : a) transport digested food to the cells b) transport waste product from the body to the excretory organs c) control the body temperature d) carry hormones to tissues
Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

Red Blood Cells

Have biconcave shapes Do not have nucleus Transport oxygen to body cells Contains haemoglobin which combines with oxygen to form oxyghaemoglobin. Oxyhaemoglobin releases oxygen when it reaches the body cells.

Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

White Blood Cells

Have nucleus Do not have definite shape Function: - protect the body from being attacked by microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.

Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

No definite shape Do not have nucleus Function : To clot blood in a wound

Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

Blood Group
Human blood classified into 4 groups, A,B,AB and O A blood Donor is a person who donates his blood to another person Blood group O universal donors A recipient is a person who receives blood from another person. Blood group AB universal recipients
Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

Blood transfusion
Can donate blood to people with blood group People with blood group

A, B , AB, O A , AB B , AB AB

Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

Can receive blood from people with blood group

A,O B,O A ,B, AB , O

Kintan Salleh, SMKDS,JB 2011

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