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About The Professor


DR. ARCHIMEDES ARTICULO graduated his Bachelors Degree in Philosophy as cum laude, and has successfully finished his Master of Arts in Philosophy (M. Phil.), at the University of the Philippines, Diliman in 1999 and 2004 respectively. He completed his Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.) and Bachelor of Laws and Letters (Ll.B.) in 2010 at the University of Cagayan Valley, and in the same year, he completed his Doctor in Public and Legal Administration at the Cagayan State University in consortium with the Graduate School of San Beda College, Mendiola, where Dr. Articulo has successfully defended his Dissertation entitled, EMBRACING THE PEACE OF KABUNYAN: BODONG, PAGTA, & THE PHILIPPINE EXPERIMENT OF INDIGENIZING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Dr. Articulo is the current Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, and the con-current Vice-Chairman of the University Bids & Awards Committee of the Cagayan State University (CSU), the Office in charge with the procurement activities of the University. He also served, for almost a year, as O.I.C. Chairman of the University Bids & Awards Committee, at a time when the University has embarked on a series of landmark infrastructure projects. At present, Dr. Articulo also serves as the Con-current Head of the Bids & Awards Committee Secretariat of the University for its Carig and Andrews Campus, an office he has been supervising and managing since 2006. Dr. Articulo is a prolific writer who authored some textbooks that are presently used in different schools and universities in the Country: The Experience of Philosophy (2008), with REX Publishing, Inc.; Moral Philosophy: An Introduction (2006), and Logic: The Practice of Critical Thinking (2006) with Greatbooks Publishing; and Work Ethics & Values (2003) with Trinitas Publishing, Inc.

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