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Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits are the ones that belong to the genus 'Citrus'.

They are acidic, juicy and usually have a sharp taste. All citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin C which is required by the body to carry out different functions. Citrus fruits also have detoxifying properties, and hence, are used in some detoxification diet plans like the Master Cleanse (lemonade diet).

Berries Berries also belong to the larger group of fruits, i.e., fleshy fruits as they have a pulpy flesh. However, scientifically speaking, berries are fruits that have a pulpy flesh with one or more seeds embedded in it. In that case, a tomato or a banana is also considered as a berry. Whereas, a strawberry is not actually a berry because it has seeds on the outer part of its cover. Berries are extensively used for culinary purposes.

Dried Fruits Dried fruits are also categorized under the fleshy fruits group. When we say dried fruits, we often think of cashews, walnuts and almonds. However, apart from these, there are several other fruits that can be categorized as dried fruits. In simplest words, dried fruits can be defined as fruits that are dried naturally or mechanically in order to remove their original water content. Apart from the usual dried fruits (nuts and seeds), several other fruits like apples, peaches, apricots, etc. are also dried and used for culinary purposes.

Fleshy Fruits Fleshy fruits, as the name suggests, have a soft pulpy wall, with seeds at the center. They have a soft edible part in between their outer cover and the seeds. This is a vast category of fruits and more than half of the known fruits are categorized into this group of fruits. An apple or a pear are excellent examples of fleshy fruits. It should also be noted that other types of fruits like dried fruits, citrus fruits and melons form a subpart of this larger group of fleshy fruits.

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