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Group Dynamics and Group Behaviour in relation to movie 300

Group Process refers to how an organisation member work together and get things done. When an organization group is formed following question arises: How decisions would be made? Who will make the decisions? How would people get along with each other? How would they be affected by the group process?

A group in an organization is basically formed to achieve two goals Organisational Goals To achieve freedom and live free in case of Spartans. Personal Goals- To fight and achieve glory as a warrior.

Therefore 300 Spartan warriors came together to achieve their organizational and personal goals with an expectancy to achieve those goals.

They had a very high level of group cohesion because they had same ideology to free their nation from an autocratic selfish Persian king and get along with other members of their group very well. The group was controlled by king and their strategies were always based on high level of trust on all group members which made each group member feel contributing and hence remain motivated to fight for their place. Therefore high level of cohesion, trust, strong group culture ensured that they would make a mark which they did and got alive in everyone memories.

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