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3) Managers use subjectivity to eliminate some of the effects of uncontrollable factors from performance evaluation. Evaluate this choice.

Did they have any alternatives? Subjectivity in performance evaluation typically relates to intangible employees qualities and is based on subjective feedback from the manager opposed to objective, measurable feedback. Use of subjectivity evaluation criteria can offer employees a better overall picture of their performance, but overuse of it will pose some risks. We can evaluate this choice based on several aspects such as criteria, benefits and risks. From the aspect of criteria, the subjective assessment will be the performance evaluator in the employees performance. Common subjective criteria include personality, attitude, appearance, demeanor and social interaction. The evaluator might rate the employee on each subjective criteria using a scale that ranges from poor to excellent, as opposed to objective evaluations that more often have a numerical score attached to the criteria. Next is the benefit of subjectivity in performance evaluation of employees. Subjective performance appraisals do allow for broader input on employee performance than more objective tools. The supervisor can provide her interpretation of the employees performance on each criteria and add more detail and examples to enhance the employees understanding of his performance and areas for improvement. Subjectivity evaluations also help with feedback in jobs when performance is more related to personal qualities and traits as opposed to technical proficiency and performance. Lastly is about the risks of using subjectivity analysis. By using the subjectivity to eliminate some of the effects of uncontrollable factors from performance evaluation, the employees performance is in the eye of evaluator. A manager who has bias or ill toward an

employee is more likely to take an especially critical view of her performance. A major risk with this is that subjective evaluations could lead to legal claims of discrimination. This is especially an issue if an employer is shown to discriminate or terminate employees because they are part of a legally protected class based on such traits as gender, marital status, disability and race.

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