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Resting heart rate For average teenagers, a normal resting heart rate is between 50 and 90 beats per minute.

Such big differences between the acceptable heart rate are caused by differences in teens bodies and physiology; thats why the acceptable resting heart rate is much greater that for other age groups. How does the heart rate change after exercising? Of course, our heart rate is affected by many factors, for example doing exercises, as we did in our experiment. It is important to remember that in our reseatch, heart rate was also affected by the water at the swimming pool, which lowered our heart rates a little bit. Heart rate after exercsining depends on the individual but when it comes to our group, we are in quite similar health condition, so our results should not differ to big extent. The only exception is Weronika who is athmatic, so her resting heart rate is quite low but it dramatically increases after execrising, as asthmatics are getting tired quite easily. Also Adrians heart rate can be affected differently than the rest of the group, as he swims regularly. Person Resting heart rate (number of beats per minute) Heart rate after exercising Difference between resting heart rate and heart rate after 90 96 110 92 98 98 159 174 180 171 169 173 69 78 70 79 71 75 Adrian Szymo n Weronik a Karolin a Emilia Dominika


Table 1. Comparison between resting heart rate and heart rate after exercising

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