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Obstertric and Gyanecology Notes

Definition BP increase >140/90 for consecutive 4 hours and protienuria more than 300 mg in 24 hours urine collection.

Aetiology is vascular damage and change and less trophoblast invasion, less placental perfusion and causes increase blood pressure to maintain the adequate blood flow to the placenta.

Mechanism Damaged vessel ------ haemolysis, low platelet, coagulopathy, increase vascular permeability causes oedema Renal ----- proteinuria, decrease GFR, decrease urate secretion Liver ----- HELLP syndrome (Haemolysis, Elevation liver enzyme, low platelet) CNS ----- cerebral oedema, cerebral haemorrage

Clinical features Headahe, blurred vision Vomitting Abdominal pain Increase Jerk Decrease urine volume

Investigation Doppler USG ---- notch pattern seen

Treatment PO labetalol ----safest PO methyldopa PO nicardia(CCB)

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