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(Tick one only) Questionnaire 1. Do you own an iPod/mp3 player?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. How would you best describe yourself? Loud/Bubbly [ ] Quiet/like to keep to yourself [ ] Other [ ]

3. What types of music video do you prefer? Performance (by the band/artist) [ ] Animation [ ] Film clip [ ] Images [ ] A story [ ] Dance [ ]

Party or Club scenes [ ]

4. Do you prefer music videos to be long or short? Long [ ] Short [ ] In between [ ]

5. Do you prefer to be able to dance to the video or watch the video? Dance to the video [ ] Watch the video [ ]

6. Do you prefer music videos to be upbeat or slow? Upbeat [ ] Slow [ ]

7. Do the music videos have to fit in with the song? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Only partly [ ]

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