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Explanation question 7

My group and Is ability to film and edit has improved from the start of the year to now. This has reflected into our recent video due to the fact that there are a number of improvements which have been made from our Prelim task to the opening five minutes of a film. The first improvement which I have picked up on was our ability to allow shots to run smoothly together. For example, with in out Prelim video, the camera shots didnt flow as well as they could have. i.e the shots wouldnt flow into each other, they would almost jump into each other which didnt make the film look natural and realistic. Where as in Amnesia, we spent time perfecting each shot and timing them right when editing them, so it would therefore flow better. As a whole, improving this, allowed the video to run smoothly with as little camera errors as possible. Another progression we have made in terms of videos was the wide range of shot we included. For instance, with in our prelim task, we used a lot of mid-shots which didnt allow the audience to explore different movements being made and facial expressions being made. He is an example of a midshot used with in our Prelim video. As you can see, this does not allow the audience to explore the facial expressions the characters are making.

Due to the fact we spent more time on the storyboard and perfecting shots for Amnesia, we were able to include more close up shots of the woman in it, allowing the audience to explore her facial expressions etc.

Finally, the sound quality from our Prelim task to our film has improved significantly. For example, with in our Prelim video, due to the fact we filmed it in the school; you could hear school students in the back ground making noise. This detached the lime light away from the character with in the video. We recognized this and chose to improve the sound quality by adding music which didnt just add tension, it covered over the background noise from the road ect.

Here is an example of a Close-up shot we used for Amnesia. As you can see, this particular show how allowed the audience to establish that she is shocked worried through her facial expressions.

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