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Spring 2012

Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality

Connecting People on the Path of Faith and Learning

Issue 1
1 Upcoming 50th Anniversary Karen Armstrong

Activities and Events


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2012

Progress on OSTSs 50 th Colloquium

We are excited about planning our upcoming 50th anniversary event, and even though it isnt happening until 2013, we still have a lot of work to do. If you want to volunteer with us, or if you have any ideas or suggestions about how we can improve the event, dont hesitate to contact us. Our volunteers are the backbone of the success of the only lay-school in Canada and we want your feedback on this event. For fundraising, so far we have raised *$500 (fictional amount) for the event. Weve almost reached out fundraising goal! To help make the event a success, donate a few dollars to OSTS, even if its just $1 or $10, every dollar helps! Also, spread the word about the event with your friends and families; we want as many people to come out and celebrate with us. Again, thank you for all your support in making the school thrive for the last 50 years, and we look forward to another 50 years of enlightening discourse on theology and spirituality.

Quote of the Month

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
C.S. Lewis

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2012

The Voice of Compassion

Karen Armstrong, religion academic and author of more than 20 books, has spent most of her life writing about religion and its relevance to modern life. She is known for her emphasis on interfaith dialogue, compassion and respect. Armstrong, who was previously a Roman Catholic nun, left her convent to study modern literature. She wrote about her experiences in her controversial book, Through the Narrow Gate. She continued writing books on the common relationship between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Her work resonates with the world, as her books have been translated into forty languages, and she lectures worldwide. In one of her most recent books, Mohammad: A Prophet for Our Time, she writes about Prophet Mohammad as a person who fostered peace and unity between Arabian tribes and protected the Jews from persecution in Spain. With her writings, she attempts to remove stereotypes and enlighten people with different interpretations on Islam and prophet Mohammad. Armstrongs goal has always been to foster relationships between the three Abrahamic religions, and to show how little differences there are between all of human beings, regardless of their faith. In 2009, Armstrong came out with Charter for Compassion initiative, which encourages people to read, affirm, and sign. The Charter. The document calls for people to accept the Golden Mean, to treat each other as we would them to treat us, with compassion and respect. So far more than 85,000 people have signed the Charter. According to, In the post-9/11 world, she is a powerful voice for ecumenical understanding.

Photo courtesy of

If we dont manage to implement the Golden Rule globally, so that we treat all peoples, wherever and whoever they may be, as though they were as important as ourselves, I doubt that well have a viable world to hand on to the next generation.
-Karen Armstrong
(retrieved from

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2012

Activities and Events

Thursday March 15, 2012, 6 p.m God(s): A User's Guide: Explore and Discuss Session Religion, Gender and Sexuality in Modern Society Canadian Museum of Civilization Theatre, Gatineau $8 adults, $6 members, $5 students Thursday March 15, 2012, 7 p.m. The Evolution of Meditation Free multimedia presentation More info: 613-232-2387 Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 7:30 p.m. Glasmacher Lecture - Le sens de la "vie nue" pour une thique publique Auditorium 1124, Guigues Hall RSVP: Saturday, March 31, 2012 Monasteries of Quebec Day Trip More info: 613-567-7729 Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:00 pm Sounds of the Gospel III Salvation Army Ottawa Citadel 1350 Walkley Road $12 in advance or $15 at the door Thursday April 5, 2012, 6 p.m. God(s): A User's Guide: Explore and Discuss Session Religion and Immigration Canadian Museum of Civilization Theatre, Gatineau $8 adults, $6 members, $5 students To contact OSTS: To like our Facebook Page: (insert link to Facebook Page once created)

Joke of the Month

Bible Lesson
A Sunday School Teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem. A small child replied: They couldnt get a babysitter.

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