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JOBSTHAN.COM is carving a niche in recruiting top quality professionals for its

clients in all sectors including FMCG, Consumer Durables, Insurance, Telecom, Banking, Engineering (all streams) and the Retailing Industries. We have professional consultants who were prior to becoming recruitment consultants, a successful professional with years of experience with reputed organizations and entire team of ours is selected carefully keeping in mind the competency and background required to serve our clients and candidates in the most professional manner. In addition to our consultants we have our own in-house filter procedures to provide our recruiters with a constant flair of qualified candidates. Our experts are trained to utilize multiple search methods in sourcing exceptional hard to find executives to exceed the given parameters.

What We Offer: We are specialized in dealing with Middle and Senior Management Level Recruitments. An excellent Database of middle & Senior Mgmt Level Personnel to fulfill your requirements. We undertake Head Hunting Assignments for Managerial and above positions.

In today's corporate world the companies are passing through a major problem of searching an efficient & the promising candidate. The conventional methods such as advertisements in news papers have failed to fulfill the needs because:

1. They attract a large crowd therefore the selectors always remain under a fixed situation of identifying the right candidate. 2. Candidates who lack similar Skills/Experience also appear for the position that the selectors are bound to attend which is a time consuming process. This makes the process all the more complicated. 3. Advertising the Requirements throughout the country is very expensive. This and many other reasons cumulatively hinder the reach of the right candidate to the right employer and vice-versa. Hence the need of the services which can filter out the problems & provide the readymade solutions created. a promising step in the direction of finding solutions of all the problems related to employment. breaks the barriers of: Raw or Unfiltered Data to Scrutiny. Advertising the Requirements through out the country. High cost of expenditures involved in searching. Professional Services are costly to hire. thus provides the solution that matches or even surpasses the established parameters. More importantly all your requirements are advertised across the world at no extra cost. a placement consultancy with difference.


MISSION STATEMENT: leader in placement services and HR outsourcing.

GOALS: To have a successful company that should be a leader in placement services & HR outsourcing. Objective is to collect the largest data base & serve the employer with a super sonic speed.

Objective: The clients should view us as most Reliable Professionals when it comes to placements and HR outsourcing.

OUR AIM Taking a strong niche at the entry level.


PHILOSOPHY: Customer Clientele: Increasing No. of satisfied jobseekers & the job providers.

INDUSTRY DESCRIPTION: We are entering into Service Industry where the growth is expected by providing the faster & Time Saving Services to both the clients. The immediate thrust would be the collection of a

huge Data Base starting from the Jodhpur Division itself and than will move across Rajasthan & there after Country.


IN THE LONG RUN: Today a very big base of employment is suffering with the scarcity of skilled employees while we have a even higher base of educated & qualified unemployed population due to lack of skills & reach. We shall implement many activities:
(1) An

Employment News Paper can also be published & circulated fortnightly or monthly to the paid customers. This paper will also feature various articles on skills development and upgraded information on training & development, technologies & HR Practices. (2) Job fairs at various places would give equal opportunities of exposure to all the candidates. The organization will also be able to generate revenue from registration & other activities and huge amount of new data. (3) Campus placement programs (4) Corporate training (5) STRENGTHS: A huge Data Base Strong Marketing muscles to attract the job providers. Filtered, Classified & Segment wise Data Base. The Portal will provide the facility of filtration to the employer also where in the Qualification, Experience, Skill set & Salary Package are put and the matching Data shall be available on the screen within no time. We will also have a panel of experts to assist in filtration & Resume development. My experience, skills & strengths will supervise the entire venture. SERVICES: (1) Providing adequate data to match the requirements. (2) Regular up gradation of Portal helping employers to refine their search

(1) Assisting college campuses. (2) Corporate Trainings. CURRENT DEMAND: Current demand is very high. Job seekers are diverted towards such services because today job providers are avoiding advertisements for many reasons, such as: Advertisements attracts crowd, the selection therefore becomes difficult. Reliability is always doubtful which is very important. Reach to the right jobseeker. Very costly. This letter brings greetings from the Executive Board of the We wish to briefly introduce you the company profile. In the vast horizon of the Placement Consultants sky a new Star is born JOBSTHAN.COM

Project on competitive analysis and scope of placement consultancies

What is Competitive Analysis?

Competitive Analysis is a process of gathering and analyzing information about our competitors, their practices, products, strengths and weaknesses and business trends in order to assess our position in the market and improve our products and marketing strategies.

What is the purpose of Competitive Analysis?

In today's market, we must know what our competitors are doing and what to do to stay ahead of the competition. Many businesses believe they are providing a good product to their customers, but do not have reliable information showing how customers perceive their product or how it compares to



A Competitive Analysis performed by an unbiased third party is an invaluable tool because it can help me to identify ways to attract new customers, as well as keep the ones you have satisfied with our products.

Strengths and weaknesses: How our product stacks up against the competition and in what areas they have an edge over our product and in what areas our product is superior. Identify our competitors: Verify who your primary and secondary competitors are. Improvements: How and in what areas our product, processes, and practices must be improved to meet market demands or to stay ahead of the competition. Marketing: What improvements we need to make in our marketing approach - we may want to highlight why our product is ahead of the competition, or the unique features that consumers desire.

How can Competitive Analysis help establish my product as a market leader?

Competitive Analysis gives us a realistic view of our competition. It also gives us the opportunity to identify improvement in areas like customer

services, and marketing claims. It can help to compare products prior to making our marketing and promotional decisions. Competitive Analysis will help you accomplish the following:

Have a realistic view of our competition. Foresee market changes and demands. Identify ways to attract customers from our competitors. Discover opportunities for improvement in our business practices. Identify necessary changes in our processes to meet market demands. Identify necessary changes in our processes to reduce costs.

A List of Competitors
The analysis begins with a list of our company's competitors. Most of the time, such a list is comprised of what our company co-considers to be its chief competitors. However, there may be other companies that indirectly compete with ours, ones that offer products or services that are aiming for the same customer capital. Our compertitors in the market are:

1. Avenues placement consultant


Nascon placement

3. Dagur placement 4. Sixth-sense placement 5. Others

Questions to ask
What questions should be asked when undertaking competitor analysis?

Who are our competitors? What threats do they pose? What is the profile of our competitors? What are the objectives of our competitors? What strategies are our competitors pursuing and how successful are these strategies? What are the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors?

How are our competitors likely to respond to any changes to the way we do business?

Strategy - Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis is an important part of the strategic planning process. This is the main role of, and steps in, competitor analysis.

Why we analyse our competitors?

Some businesses think it is best to get on with their own plans and ignore the competition. Others become obsessed with tracking the actions of competitors (often using underhand or illegal methods). Many businesses are happy simply to track the competition, copying their moves and reacting to changes.

Competitor analysis has several important roles in strategic planning:








advantages/disadvantages relative to competitors. To generate understanding of competitors past, present (and most importantly) future strategies.

To provide an informed basis to develop strategies to achieve competitive advantage in the future.

To help forecast the returns that may be made from future investments.

Sources of information for competitor analysis

How the sources of competitor information can be neatly grouped into three categories: Recorded data: this is easily available in published form either internally or externally. Good examples include competitor annual reports and product brochures;


Observable data: this has to be actively sought and often assembled from several sources. A good example is competitor pricing;

Opportunistic data: to get hold of this kind of data requires a lot of planning and organisation. A good example previous management of competitors.

The table below lists possible sources of competitor data using

Recorded Data Annual report Analysts reports Regulatory reports Government reports

Observable Data Pricing / price lists Advertising campaigns Promotions

Opportunistic Data Trade shows Sales force meetings Seminars/conferences Social contacts with competitors


What businesses need to know about their competitors

The tables below lists the kinds of competitor information that would help businesses complete some good quality competitor analysis.

We can probably think of many more information about a competitor that would be useful. However, an important challenge in competitor analysis is working out how to obtain competitor information that is reliable, up-to-date.

What businesses probably already know their competitors

Overall sales and profits

Sales and profits by market Cost structure Market shares (revenues and volumes) Organisation structure Distribution system Identity / profile of senior management Advertising strategy and spending Customer / consumer profile & attitudes Customer retention levels

What businesses would really like to know about competitors

Sales and profits by product Relative costs Customer satisfaction and service levels Customer retention levels Distribution costs Size and quality of customer databases

Advertising effectiveness Future investment strategy

strategy - competitive advantage

A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices.

Competitive Strategies
The work analysing the competitive forces in an industry, Michael Porter suggested four "generic" business strategies that could be adopted in order to gain competitive advantage. The four strategies relate to the extent to which the scope of a businesses' activities.


The four strategies are summarised in the figure below:

The differentiation and cost leadership strategies seek competitive advantage in a broad range of market . By contrast, the differentiation focus and cost focus strategies are adopted in a narrow market.

Strategy Differentiation

This strategy involves selecting one or more criteria used in a market - and then positioning the business uniquely to meet those criteria. This strategy is usually associated with charging a premium price for the service - often to reflect the higher costs and extra value-added features provided for the consumer. Differentiation is about charging a premium price that more than covers the additional costs, and about giving customers clear reasons to prefer the product over other, less differentiated products.

Strategy - Cost Leadership

With this strategy, the objective is to become the lowest-cost producer in the industry. Many (perhaps all) market segments in the industry are supplied with the emphasis placed minimising costs. If the achieved selling price can at least equal (or near)the average for the market, then the lowest-cost producer will (in theory) enjoy the best profits. This strategy is usually associated with large-scale businesses offering "standard" products with relatively little differentiation that are perfectly acceptable to the majority of customers. Occasionally, a low-cost leader will also discount its product to maximise sales, particularly if it has a significant cost


advantage over the competition and, in doing so, it can further increase its market share.

Strategy - Differentiation Focus

In the differentiation focus strategy, a business aims to differentiate within just one or a small number of target market segments. The special customer needs of the segment mean that there are opportunities to provide products that are clearly different from competitors who may be targeting a broader group of customers. The important issue for any business adopting this strategy is to ensure that customers really do have different needs and wants - in other words that there is a valid basis for differentiation - and that existing competitor products are not meeting those needs and wants.

Strategy - Cost Focus


Here a business seeks a lower-cost advantage in just on or a small number of market segments. The product will be basic - perhaps a similar product to the higher-priced and featured market leader, but acceptable to sufficient consumers. Such products are often called "me-too's".

Strategy - SWOT Analysis

SWOT is an abbreviation for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SWOT analysis is an important tool for auditing the overall strategic position of a business and its environment.

Once key strategic issues have been identified, they feed into business objectives, particularly marketing objectives. SWOT analysis can be used in conjunction with other tools for audit and analysis, such as PEST analysis and Porter's Five-Forces analysis. It is also a very popular tool with business and marketing students because it is quick and easy to learn.

The Key Distinction - Internal and External Issues

Strengths and weaknesses are Internal factors. For example, a strength could be your specialist marketing expertise. A weakness could be the lack of a new product. Opportunities and threats are external factors. For example, an opportunity could be a developing distribution channel. A threat could be a new competitor in an important existing market or a technological change.

It is worth pointing out that SWOT analysis can be very subjective two people rarely come-up with the same version of a SWOT analysis even when given the same information about the same business and its environment. Accordingly, SWOT analysis is best used as a guide and not a prescription. Adding and weighting criteria to each factor increases the validity of the analysis.

The limitations of competitor analysis are linked to the information gathered from various sources and the interpretation of the

information. Also, with the exception of a few information sources (e.g. patent applications, forecast financial statements), most of the other printed information shows historical information and may not necessarily give a good indication of a competitor going forward. This is particularly the case if there are a lot of structural changes happening in a sector and all players are expected to have dynamic strategies to capture their market.

Competitor analysis is an important part of a firm's development of its strategy. Its importance lies in the understanding of competitors, their strategy, and resources and capabilities. More specifically, competitor analysis also allows a firm to assess its own firm versus competitors and plan for what competitors' actions may be as a reaction to actions the firm may take. A competitor analysis provides a firm with the knowledge to leverage its strengths and address its weaknesses and, conversely, take advantage of weaknesses of competitors and counter their strengths. Finally, competitor analysis also gives a firm a better understanding not only of the competitors but also their overall sector and where the emerging opportunities may be.



(b) No


Q2. Placement Consultant :- a) b)Avenue c) Dagur d) Sixth e) Others


Q3. Service provide :- a) d) Sixth

b)Avenue e) Others

c) Dagur


Q4. Professional Charges:- a) b) Avenues d) e) Others

c) Dagur























Q1. Do you think any placement consultant can help in your recuritment process ? (a)Yes (b) No

Q2. Are you aware about any placement consultant ? If Yes, then which (a) (c) Dagur placement (e) Others (b) Avenue placement (d) Sixth

Q3. Have you ever taken service any placement consultant companies ? If Yes, then which (a) Avenues placement (b) Jobsthan .com

(c) (e) Other

(d) Dagur placement

Q4. Are you


about professional charges taken by placement

consultant at jodhpur ? If Yes, then which consultant company take reasonable charges? (a) (c) Dagur Placement (e) Others (b) Avenues placement (d) Sixth

Q5. Are you statisfied with a services of your present placement consultant companies ? If Not, what are the reasons? (a) Improper Response (c) Poor after sales service (b) Time taken (d) Others

Q6. From which placement consultant marketing executive visit your organisation frequently ? (a) Dagur Placement (c) (e) Others (b) Avenues Placement (d) Sixth


Q7. In your view which placement consultant company has max. no. of technical profile ? (a) Avenues Placement (c )Sixth (e) Others (b) (d) Dagur Placement

Q8. According to you, which promotional tool can be used effectively by placement consultant to create market hype ? (a) Newspaper (c) Television (b) Radio (d) Others

Q9. In your view which placement consulant is using this promotional tool effectively ? (a) (c )Avenues Placement (e )Others (b) Dagur Placement (d) Sixth

Q10. Which placement consultant do you think can fulfill your requirement of top- management level staff ( head hunting) ? (a) (c ) Avenues Placement (b) Dagur Placement (d) Sixth

(e) Others Q11. To which factor you give importance while giving your assignment to a placement consultant ? (a) Professional charge (c ) No. of statisfied clinds (b) Market image (d) No. of database

Q12.In your view which placement consultant is leading in the market ? (a) (c) Avenues Placement (e ) Others (b) Dagur Placement (d) Sixth



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