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The world famous NAMAVATAR i.e. incarnation of NAMA = OMKAR (the immediate manifest form of cosmic consciousness); Brahmachaitanya Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj from Gondavale (Satara, Maharashtra state, India); says that; NAMASMARAN has to be the top most priority, even more than our life; and assured that he (the cosmic consciousness) would be perceptibly with us when we are in NAMASMARAN. Even as I have written about NAMASMARAN that; NAMASMARAN would lead to global perspective, globally beneficial policies, motivation, fervor and behavior; now I feel; this is a contingent and a byproduct. Actually; NAMSMARAN is the way, means; destination and the culmination! NAMASMARAN itself is central to everything and every activity; in individual and cosmos. It could be true that the path of fulfillment, liberation, emancipation, NIRVANA, SAMADHI, MOKSHA etc for an individual and the world; may vary in different individuals and groups; according to their constitutions, beliefs, religions, upbringing, socioeconomic and political conditions and other environmental factors. But just as one can not stop sharing some delicious dish or some superb movie; with friends, I cannot resist the urge to share my impressions (how much ever ridiculous or even worst

they seem) about NAMASMARAN, without any expectations of any kind! To sum up in brief: NAMSMARAN is the life of life in individual and cosmos! Amnesia, forgetfulness or absence of NAMASMARAN embodies: ATMADROHA i.e. self betrayal, ATMAKLESHA i.e. self torture, ATMAVANCHANA i.e. self deception, ATMABHRASHTATA i.e. self degradation, ATMAKSHEENATA i.e. self debility, ATMAGLANI i.e. self unawareness, ATMAGHRUNA i.e. self contempt, and ATMAHATYA i.e. self destruction In short: Lie is lifeless without NAMSMARAN!

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