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When and if we dare to introspect uninhibitedly and fearlessly, then we would notice that we are being overwhelmingly ruled by delirium of basal instincts from inside and outside. This is true in education, literature, art, drama, cinema, health care, technology and so on. We are unable to feel, think, contemplate, study, experiment and practice anything whole heartedly and holistically. We have become listless. This is especially evident in our utter neglect of Sanskrit on the one hand; and promotion of cheap and vulgar entertainment that drags us away from our soul; on the other! This is like cutting the tree that sustains our life by giving us oxygen, fruits and shade; for generations. We are fortunate if we recognize and rectify our blunder of neglecting Sanskrit and Sanskrit scholars; and begin to learn, teach, and do whatever possible to promote Sanskrit language and the special talent of

Sanskrit chanting. The government, the political parties and the NGOs; all have the privilege to do this. This is especially true for electronic media world over. It is certain that TV channels, who take up this challenge in the best interest of themselves and the mankind, are bound to succeed and benefit through the divine blessings. Their TRP also is bound to shoot up! Promotion of Sanskrit language and the talent of Sanskrit chanting; is like retrieving; the universal and infinite source of oxygen; and resuscitating, recuperating, revitalizing and rejuvenating ourselves; from our morbid and moribund state!

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