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a) Identify the speaker, dictation and tone used in We Real Cool A young boy/ student Informal diction Sarcastic


b) What type of rhyme scheme is employed by Brookes in We Real Cool? Give examples to support your answer. Rhyme scheme is aabcdded , end rhyme of words, cool-school-latestraight-sin-gin-June-soon. c) Identify the figurative language used in Dreams and give examples from the poem to support your answer. Metaphor a figure of speech in which two unlike objects are implicity compared without the use of like or as. Examples- 1) Life is a broken-winged bird 2) Life is a barren field d) Identify the metrical pattern found in Dreams. - Iambic trimeter e) What do you think is the theme found in i) We Real Cool theme-rebel of teenager ii) Dreams-theme endeavour

f) Haiku about being cool. Putting my shades on, Walking calmly like a stud, Every eye glancing.

g) Tanka about dream representation. as I close my eyes eyes heavily open as darkness haunted my body which the thing turning round and round makes me dizzy.

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