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Day 1 Preparation of 0.25 N KMn04

Dissolve 7.092 grams of KMn04 to 1 L distilled water Mix well Boil the solution for 10-15 minutes Cover and stand overnight in a glass stoppered color bottle

Day 2 Filter and store in a colored bottle Preparation of 0.025N KMno4

100ml KMno4 + 900ml

Dilute 100ml 0.25 N KMno4 to 1 dH20 L

Preparation of 0. 025 N Na2C204 ( Sodium Oxalate)

Dilute 41.66ml concentrated H2S04 to 1 L = 0.76M H2S04 Dissolve 1.6748 grams of dry Na2C204 in 1L 0. 76M H2S04


Pipet 10ml of 0.025 NaC204 ( Sodium Oxalate) in a 125ml E. Flask Heat ( water bath) 80-90 C or 3-5 minutes cover with foil
Titrate with 0.025 KMn04 until faint pink- End point

Formula: N KMn04 = NnVn Vk

Nn= Normality of Na2C204 Vn= Volume used, Na2C204 Vk= Volume used, KMn04



Dilute 10ml sample w/90ml distilled water Get only 20ml of the sample Put in the Erlenmeyer flask

If turbid dilute by 10 or by 100

Add 1 ml Concentrated H2SO4 ( Sulfuric acid) Add 20ml 0.025 N KMn04 Swirl Boil in 30 minutes Cool down Add 20ml 0.025 N Na2C204 (Sodium Oxalate)

Formula: COD ( mg/L)= (A-B) N KMno4 x 8000 ml of sample Where: A= Vol.KMnO4 in ml used in sample B= Vol KMn04 in ml used in blank

Materials needed:

250 ml Erlenmeyer flask 10ml pipet 100ml graduated cylinder 50 ml beaker 1000ml beaker Filter paper Aluminium foil 2 casseroles Heater 50ml burette

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