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ismii . . . (My name is . . .) ismuhu ahmad. (His name is Ahmad.) ismuhaa layla. (Her name is Layla.) maa ismuka?

(What is your name? [masculine] [literally: What is your noble name?]) maa ismuki? (What is your name? [feminine]) ahlan or marHaban. (Hello.)

In Arabic, as in English, the question How are you? (kayf Haalak?) usually comes up after a greeting. If someone asks you how youre doing, you should respond with the formulaic response "Fine, praise God" (bikhayr, al-Hamdu lillah) rather than a detailed inventory of your condition.

anaa min. . . (I am from . . .) anta min ayna?/anti min ayna? (Where are you from? [M/F]) maa waDHiifatuka? (What is your profession?) ayna taskun?/ayna taskuniin? (Where do you live? [M/F]) anaa Taalib fii jaami'a . . . (Im a student in [university].)

Many friendships are forged on the bond of common interests. To talk about your hobbies or interests you can insert any of the following nouns into the sentences uHibb . . . (I like . . . ) or ul'ab . . . (I play . . . ).

kurat al-qadam (soccer) kurat al-qadam alamriikiya (football [American]) kurat al-maDrib (tennis) al-baysbuul (baseball) as-sibaaHa (swimming) al-jarii (running) at-tajdhiif (rowing) riyaaDa (sport) al-muusiiqaa (music) qiithaar (guitar) biyaanuu (piano) film, aflaam (movie[s]) masraH (plays, theater) al-qiraaa (reading) ar-raqS (dancing) uHibb an ushaahid kurat al-qadam. (I like to watch soccer.) nuHibb an nal'ab kurat al-maDrib. (We like to play tennis.) yuHibb al-qiraaa. (He likes reading.) maadhaa tuHibb an tal'ab? (What do you like to play?)

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