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Who A Di Don is full with equal doses of drama, humor and emotional heft, it consists of a largely successful exploration of lust, lies deceit, revenge and suffering the consequences of ones actions.

In scene one Malcolm Wilson (Kadeem) was in distraught over the death of his father as a result of that he drops out of college turn away from his norms and started bleaching his skin which they referred to as Kartelizing as well as linking with a crew to avenge his father death. In addition to his host of problems he is being seduced by his mothers best friend Aunty Debbie (Ruth Ho Singh) a Journalist who is witty with men.

As a result of Malcolm Wilson (Kadeem) changes his mother Angela (Audrey Reid) became worrisome and seek Malcolm Wilson (Kadeem) fathers brother Joshie (Oliver Samuels) who is always drunken but very blunt to assist with Malcolm Wilson (Kadeem) As the plots unfolds it delve further a gang war came in effect has Malcolm Wilson (Kadeem) and his cronies seek revenge for his fathers death along with his uncle Joshie (Oliver Samuels) who had yielded to Malcolm Wilson (Kadeem) wishes instead of straightening him out as asked by his sister in law.

Joshie (Oliver Samuels) have a hatred for Debbie who had trample on his heart when they were younger. The plot thicken when it was revealed that Debbie (Ruth Ho Singh) had an affair with Angela(Audrey Reid) husband and that she was the master mind behind a threatening letter that was sent to Angela (Audrey Reid).

Outside of looking at the serious problems of a family, Who A Di Don also examines the role of the politicians in the face of donmanship. Over all I think a solid performance was given by the entire crew of Malcolm Wilson, Oliver Samuels, Audrey Reid and Ruth Ho Singh. It is truly a funny play and is worth seeing.

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