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Project:- Space Description:- The project is all about space like all entities, exception, research etc detail it. It consists of big image which we create own by php coding and image is like actual solar system is infront of you. All planet will revolve around sun in a proper maneer without any over lapping. On home page there will be photos of all scientist who work on space in marquee option. As we click on any image then the auto-biography of that scientist will open infront of you. The database is about temp., gases ratio etc and and search by any mean will be possible. All users will have their mail box. We will create server on linux (RHEL 5.4). The server are HTTP and SENDMAIL so that all the things will manage by me only. There will be global query system and users will not suppose to give answer then only admin will solve it. If any user want to create account on this web site then user will have to give online exam and user pass then user can create account otherwise user can again try after 3 months to create account again.

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