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A lot of people feel so concerned about the age of Ayesha (ra) at the time of he r marriage to Prophet Mohammed (saws).

Sheikh Yusuf Estes addresses their concern in this article. An incident that's related to this question happened some years ago. Am sharing this coz it has a moral for all those who care to read. One day a colleague, just out of the blue asked me what the age of Ayesha (ra) w as when she got married to Prophet Mohammed (saws). Although I was muslim, I hardly knew anything about ISlam and practised very lit tle. So I could'nt really understand why this person seemed so concerned about this. I asked him why he wanted to know and without a moment's hesitation he said some thing extremley hurtful and offensive about Prophet Mohammed (saws). I was in shock for a while. I felt infuriated and frustrated mainly because I could'nt defend Mohammed (saws ) due to my lack of knowledge about this. So then I said nothing except " That's not true " because a person who could say such a horrible lie could easily say even bigger and uglier completely baseless things about Mohammed (saws) which I really did'nt want to hear. All through my life , whenever I did wrong someone would tell me that "This is n ot how our prophet did this" and "this is how he did this or that". No human being has ever lived a life so perfect. Even more amazing is the fact t hat every little aspect of his life is so meticulously preserved and recorded. Not only in books but in the memories of millions of people. Even though at that time I practised very little, I respected Muhammed (saws) im mensely and later realized what a shame it was that I had'nt said anything in hi s defense. I could never forget this incident and in fact now I see the wisdom behind it. W e dont understand sometimes why certain things happen to us. God guides us, tests us and makes us better people through every little or big t hing that happens to us. Our knowledge and understanding is very limited whereas that of God is unlimited . He is always all knowing and always all wise. Everytime something bad happens there is always some wisdom behind it.A lot of g ood can come from the smallest of bad that happens to a person.

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