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Central tendency error refers to a type of rating error in which a rater consistently rates all employees in the middle of the scale, regardless of their actual levels of performance. The first 30 seconds count most of all in job employment interviews. Most job seekers think that their job of "selling themselves "to the employment interviewer occurs when they walk in the door. Most of your work will have been done in preparation previous to the actual interview. The first 30 seconds of any interview are the core elements of getting that job - of adding, confirming and supporting your preparation for the job interview and ultimately to be successful in "getting that job".

The halo effect is a cognitive bias whereby the perception of one trait (i.e. a characteristic of a person or object) is influenced by the perception of another trait (or several traits) of that person or object. An example would be judging a goodlooking person as more intelligent. Definition Transfer of goodwill or positive feelings about one characteristic (such as pleasing appearance) of a product or person to another, possibly unrelated, characteristics (such as performance). Contrasts with devil's horns.

Halo/Horn error is the tendency to rate a person high on all performance factors or low on all of them because of a global impression one has. (Psychology) a tendency to allow one's judgement of another person, esp in a job interview, to be unduly influenced by an unfavourable (horns) or favourable (halo) first impression based on appearances

A stereotype is a held popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. The spillover effect is when one's emotions affect the way they perceive other events Spillover refers to positive or negative effects of an individual's working life on their personal life or and vice versa

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