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What is it ???

No, it is not a ring. And no, it is not a worm. And their names like jock itch or athletes foot may sound funny But it is not funny when it is on you. Veterinarians know it as dermatophytosis. It is caused by dermatophytes that like to live on dead tissues of the skin, hair and even nails. And people can get this from their pets.

? What can YOU do

Vacuum carpets at least weekly Mop and wash hard surfaces Sanitation of pets bedding or cages Avoid contact with infected animals Wash hands after handling dogs and


New pets should be inspected for hair

loss, patchiness or rashes

Consult your veterinarian :)

ct! Fun Fa

Despite its name, it is actually caused by FUNGI!

References: Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook By Debra Eldredge,Liisa D. Carlson, DVM,Delbert G. Carlson,James M. Giffin ringworm.html
Justine Paola S. delos Santos VPH 122

What does it look like?

In animals:
A spreading circle of hair loss Scaly skin in the center with a red periphery that may be itchy May start as a small spot, then it gets larger and larger Commonly seen on the head, but also seen on the legs, feet or tail

In people: Starts red, scalpy patch or bump Itchy and uncomfortable May look like a ring or a group of elevated rings with bumpy, scaly borders and a clear center On feet, called athletes foot, the rash is patchy an found between toes On the groin, called jock itch, the rash is red, scaly and patchy On the scalp, it starts as a tiny sore like a pimple, then becomes patchy, flaky or scaly It causes the nails to be thick, white or yellowish and brittle

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